Source code for radvel.plot.orbit_plots

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import rcParams, gridspec
from matplotlib import pyplot as pl
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
from astropy.time import Time
import copy

import radvel
from radvel import plot
from radvel.plot import mcmc_plots
from radvel.utils import t_to_phase, fastbin, sigfig

[docs]class MultipanelPlot(object): """ Class to handle the creation of RV multipanel plots. Args: post (radvel.Posterior): radvel.Posterior object. The model plotted will be generated from `post.params` epoch (int, optional): epoch to subtract off of all time measurements yscale_auto (bool, optional): Use matplotlib auto y-axis scaling (default: False) yscale_sigma (float, optional): Scale y-axis limits for all panels to be +/- yscale_sigma*(RMS of data plotted) if yscale_auto==False phase_nrows (int, optional): number of columns in the phase folded plots. Default is nplanets. phase_ncols (int, optional): number of columns in the phase folded plots. Default is 1. uparams (dict, optional): parameter uncertainties, must contain 'per', 'k', and 'e' keys. telfmts (dict, optional): dictionary of dictionaries mapping instrument suffix to plotting format code. Example: telfmts = { 'hires': dict(fmt='o',label='HIRES'), 'harps-n' dict(fmt='s') } legend (bool, optional): include legend on plot? Default: True. phase_limits (list, optional): two element list specifying pyplot.xlim bounds for phase-folded plots. Useful for partial orbits. nobin (bool, optional): If True do not show binned data on phase plots. Will default to True if total number of measurements is less then 20. phasetext_size (string, optional): fontsize for text in phase plots. Choice of {'xx-small', 'x-small', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'x-large', 'xx-large'}. Default: 'x-small'. rv_phase_space (float, optional): amount of space to leave between orbit/residual plot and phase plots. figwidth (float, optional): width of the figures to be produced. Default: 7.5 (spans a page with 0.5 in margins) fit_linewidth (float, optional): linewidth to use for orbit model lines in phase-folded plots and residuals plots. set_xlim (list of float): limits to use for x-axes of the timeseries and residuals plots, in JD - `epoch`. Ex: [7000., 70005.] text_size (int): set matplotlib.rcParams['font.size'] (default: 9) highlight_last (bool): make the most recent measurement much larger in all panels show_rms (bool): show RMS of the residuals by instrument in the legend legend_kwargs (dict): dict of options to pass to legend (plotted in top panel) status (ConfigParser): (optional) result of radvel.driver.load_status on the .stat status file """ def __init__(self, post, saveplot=None, epoch=2450000, yscale_auto=False, yscale_sigma=3.0, phase_nrows=None, phase_ncols=None, uparams=None, telfmts={}, legend=True, phase_limits=[], nobin=False, phasetext_size='large', rv_phase_space=0.08, figwidth=7.5, fit_linewidth=2.0, set_xlim=None, text_size=9, highlight_last=False, show_rms=False, legend_kwargs=dict(loc='best'), status=None): = copy.deepcopy(post) self.saveplot = saveplot self.epoch = epoch self.yscale_auto = yscale_auto self.yscale_sigma = yscale_sigma if phase_ncols is None: self.phase_ncols = 1 else: self.phase_ncols = phase_ncols if phase_nrows is None: self.phase_nrows = int(np.ceil( / self.phase_ncols)) else: self.phase_nrows = phase_nrows self.uparams = uparams self.rv_phase_space = rv_phase_space self.telfmts = telfmts self.legend = legend self.phase_limits = phase_limits self.nobin = nobin self.phasetext_size = phasetext_size self.figwidth = figwidth self.fit_linewidth = fit_linewidth self.set_xlim = set_xlim self.highlight_last = highlight_last self.show_rms = show_rms self.legend_kwargs = legend_kwargs rcParams['font.size'] = text_size if status is not None: self.status = status if isinstance(, radvel.likelihood.CompositeLikelihood): self.like_list = else: self.like_list = [] # FIGURE PROVISIONING self.ax_rv_height = self.figwidth * 0.6 self.ax_phase_height = self.ax_rv_height / 1.4 # convert params to synth basis synthparams = = synthparams self.model = self.rvtimes = self.rverr = self.num_planets = self.model.num_planets self.rawresid = self.resid = ( self.rawresid +['dvdt'].value*(self.rvtimes-self.model.time_base) +['curv'].value*(self.rvtimes-self.model.time_base)**2 ) if self.saveplot is not None: resolution = 10000 else: resolution = 2000 periods = [] for i in range(self.num_planets): periods.append(synthparams['per%d' % (i+1)].value) if len(periods) > 0: longp = max(periods) else: longp = max( - min( if self.set_xlim is not None: self.dt = self.set_xlim[1] - self.set_xlim[0] self.rvmodt = np.linspace( (self.set_xlim[0]+self.epoch) - 0.05 * self.dt, (self.set_xlim[1]+self.epoch) + 0.05 * self.dt + longp, int(resolution) ) else: self.dt = max(self.rvtimes) - min(self.rvtimes) self.rvmodt = np.linspace( min(self.rvtimes) - 0.05 * self.dt, max(self.rvtimes) + 0.05 * self.dt + longp, int(resolution) ) self.orbit_model = self.model(self.rvmodt) self.rvmod = self.model(self.rvtimes) if ((self.rvtimes - self.epoch) < -2.4e6).any(): self.plttimes = self.rvtimes self.mplttimes = self.rvmodt elif self.epoch == 0: self.epoch = 2450000 self.plttimes = self.rvtimes - self.epoch self.mplttimes = self.rvmodt - self.epoch else: self.plttimes = self.rvtimes - self.epoch self.mplttimes = self.rvmodt - self.epoch self.slope = (['dvdt'].value * (self.rvmodt-self.model.time_base) +['curv'].value * (self.rvmodt-self.model.time_base)**2 ) self.slope_low = (['dvdt'].value * (self.rvtimes-self.model.time_base) +['curv'].value * (self.rvtimes-self.model.time_base)**2 ) # list for Axes objects self.ax_list = []
[docs] def plot_timeseries(self): """ Make a plot of the RV data and model in the current Axes. """ ax = pl.gca() ax.axhline(0, color='0.5', linestyle='--') if self.show_rms: rms_values = dict() for like in self.like_list: inst = like.suffix rms = np.std(like.residuals()) rms_values[inst] = rms else: rms_values = False # plot orbit model ax.plot(self.mplttimes, self.orbit_model, 'b-', rasterized=False, lw=self.fit_linewidth) # plot data vels = self.rawresid+self.rvmod plot.mtelplot( # data = residuals + model self.plttimes, vels, self.rverr,, ax, telfmts=self.telfmts, rms_values=rms_values ) if self.set_xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(self.set_xlim) else: ax.set_xlim(min(self.plttimes)-0.01*self.dt, max(self.plttimes)+0.01*self.dt) pl.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) if self.highlight_last: ind = np.argmax(self.plttimes) pl.plot(self.plttimes[ind], vels[ind], **plot.highlight_format) # legend if self.legend: ax.legend(numpoints=1, **self.legend_kwargs) # years on upper axis axyrs = ax.twiny() xl = np.array(list(ax.get_xlim())) + self.epoch decimalyear = Time(xl, format='jd', scale='utc').decimalyear # axyrs.plot(decimalyear, decimalyear) axyrs.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) axyrs.set_xlim(*decimalyear) axyrs.set_xlabel('Year', fontweight='bold') pl.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=5) if not self.yscale_auto: scale = np.std(self.rawresid+self.rvmod) ax.set_ylim(-self.yscale_sigma * scale, self.yscale_sigma * scale) ax.set_ylabel('RV [{ms:}]'.format(**plot.latex), weight='bold') ticks = ax.yaxis.get_majorticklocs() ax.yaxis.set_ticks(ticks[1:])
[docs] def plot_residuals(self): """ Make a plot of residuals in the current Axes. """ ax = pl.gca() ax.plot(self.mplttimes, self.slope-self.slope, 'b-', lw=self.fit_linewidth) plot.mtelplot(self.plttimes, self.rawresid, self.rverr,, ax, telfmts=self.telfmts) if not self.yscale_auto: scale = np.std(self.rawresid) ax.set_ylim(-self.yscale_sigma * scale, self.yscale_sigma * scale) if self.highlight_last: ind = np.argmax(self.plttimes) pl.plot(self.plttimes[ind], self.rawresid[ind], **plot.highlight_format) if self.set_xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(self.set_xlim) else: ax.set_xlim(min(self.plttimes)-0.01*self.dt, max(self.plttimes)+0.01*self.dt) ticks = ax.yaxis.get_majorticklocs() ax.yaxis.set_ticks([ticks[0], 0.0, ticks[-1]]) pl.xlabel('JD - {:d}'.format(int(np.round(self.epoch))), weight='bold') ax.set_ylabel('Residuals', weight='bold') ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5, prune='both'))
[docs] def plot_phasefold(self, pltletter, pnum): """ Plot phased orbit plots for each planet in the fit. Args: pltletter (int): integer representation of letter to be printed in the corner of the first phase plot. Ex: ord("a") gives 97, so the input should be 97. pnum (int): the number of the planet to be plotted. Must be the same as the number used to define a planet's Parameter objects (e.g. 'per1' is for planet #1) """ ax = pl.gca() if len( < 20: self.nobin = True bin_fac = 1.75 bin_markersize = bin_fac * rcParams['lines.markersize'] bin_markeredgewidth = bin_fac * rcParams['lines.markeredgewidth'] rvmod2 = self.model(self.rvmodt, planet_num=pnum) - self.slope modph = t_to_phase(, self.rvmodt, pnum, cat=True) - 1 rvdat = self.rawresid + self.model(self.rvtimes, planet_num=pnum) - self.slope_low phase = t_to_phase(, self.rvtimes, pnum, cat=True) - 1 rvdatcat = np.concatenate((rvdat, rvdat)) rverrcat = np.concatenate((self.rverr, self.rverr)) rvmod2cat = np.concatenate((rvmod2, rvmod2)) bint, bindat, binerr = fastbin(phase+1, rvdatcat, nbins=25) bint -= 1.0 ax.axhline(0, color='0.5', linestyle='--', ) ax.plot(sorted(modph), rvmod2cat[np.argsort(modph)], 'b-', linewidth=self.fit_linewidth) plot.labelfig(pltletter) telcat = np.concatenate((, if self.highlight_last: ind = np.argmax(self.rvtimes) hphase = t_to_phase(, self.rvtimes[ind], pnum, cat=False) if hphase > 0.5: hphase -= 1 pl.plot(hphase, rvdatcat[ind], **plot.highlight_format) plot.mtelplot(phase, rvdatcat, rverrcat, telcat, ax, telfmts=self.telfmts) if not self.nobin and len(rvdat) > 10: ax.errorbar( bint, bindat, yerr=binerr, fmt='ro', mec='w', ms=bin_markersize, mew=bin_markeredgewidth ) if self.phase_limits: ax.set_xlim(self.phase_limits[0], self.phase_limits[1]) else: ax.set_xlim(-0.5, 0.5) if not self.yscale_auto: scale = np.std(rvdatcat) ax.set_ylim(-self.yscale_sigma*scale, self.yscale_sigma*scale) keys = [p+str(pnum) for p in ['per', 'k', 'e']] labels = [, k) for k in keys] if pnum < self.num_planets: ticks = ax.yaxis.get_majorticklocs() ax.yaxis.set_ticks(ticks[1:-1]) ax.set_ylabel('RV [{ms:}]'.format(**plot.latex), weight='bold') ax.set_xlabel('Phase', weight='bold') print_params = ['per', 'k', 'e'] units = {'per': 'days', 'k': plot.latex['ms'], 'e': ''} anotext = [] for l, p in enumerate(print_params): val =["%s%d" % (print_params[l], pnum)].value if self.uparams is None: _anotext = r'$\mathregular{%s}$ = %4.2f %s' % (labels[l].replace("$", ""), val, units[p]) else: if hasattr(, 'medparams'): val =["%s%d" % (print_params[l], pnum)] else: print("WARNING: medparams attribute not found in " + "posterior object will annotate with " + "max-likelihood values and reported uncertainties " + "may not be appropriate.") err = self.uparams["%s%d" % (print_params[l], pnum)] if err > 1e-15: val, err, errlow = sigfig(val, err) _anotext = r'$\mathregular{%s}$ = %s $\mathregular{\pm}$ %s %s' \ % (labels[l].replace("$", ""), val, err, units[p]) else: _anotext = r'$\mathregular{%s}$ = %4.2f %s' % (labels[l].replace("$", ""), val, units[p]) anotext += [_anotext] if hasattr(, 'derived'): chains = pd.read_csv(self.status['derive']['chainfile']) = self.num_planets dp = mcmc_plots.DerivedPlot(chains, labels = dp.labels texlabels = dp.texlabels units = dp.units derived_params = ['mpsini'] for l, par in enumerate(derived_params): par_label = par + str(pnum) if par_label in index = np.where(np.array(labels) == par_label)[0][0] unit = units[index] if unit == "M$_{\\rm Jup}$": conversion_fac = 0.00315 elif unit == "M$_{\\odot}$": conversion_fac = 0.000954265748 else: conversion_fac = 1 val =["%s%d" % (derived_params[l], pnum)].loc[0.500] * conversion_fac low =["%s%d" % (derived_params[l], pnum)].loc[0.159] * conversion_fac high =["%s%d" % (derived_params[l], pnum)].loc[0.841] * conversion_fac err_low = val - low err_high = high - val err = np.mean([err_low, err_high]) err = radvel.utils.round_sig(err) if err > 1e-15: val, err, errlow = sigfig(val, err) _anotext = r'$\mathregular{%s}$ = %s $\mathregular{\pm}$ %s %s' \ % (texlabels[index].replace("$", ""), val, err, units[index]) else: _anotext = r'$\mathregular{%s}$ = %4.2f %s' % (texlabels[index].replace("$", ""), val, units[index]) anotext += [_anotext] anotext = '\n'.join(anotext) plot.add_anchored( anotext, loc=1, frameon=True, prop=dict(size=self.phasetext_size, weight='bold'), bbox=dict(ec='none', fc='w', alpha=0.8) )
[docs] def plot_multipanel(self, nophase=False, letter_labels=True): """ Provision and plot an RV multipanel plot Args: nophase (bool, optional): if True, don't include phase plots. Default: False. letter_labels (bool, optional): if True, include letter labels on orbit and residual plots. Default: True. Returns: tuple containing: - current matplotlib Figure object - list of Axes objects """ if nophase: scalefactor = 1 else: scalefactor = self.phase_nrows figheight = self.ax_rv_height + self.ax_phase_height * scalefactor # provision figure fig = pl.figure(figsize=(self.figwidth, figheight)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.12, right=0.95) gs_rv = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[1., 0.5]) divide = 1 - self.ax_rv_height / figheight gs_rv.update(left=0.12, right=0.93, top=0.93, bottom=divide+self.rv_phase_space*0.5, hspace=0.) # orbit plot ax_rv = pl.subplot(gs_rv[0, 0]) self.ax_list += [ax_rv] self.plot_timeseries() if letter_labels: pltletter = ord('a') plot.labelfig(pltletter) pltletter += 1 # residuals ax_resid = pl.subplot(gs_rv[1, 0]) self.ax_list += [ax_resid] self.plot_residuals() if letter_labels: plot.labelfig(pltletter) pltletter += 1 # phase-folded plots if not nophase: gs_phase = gridspec.GridSpec(max([1,self.phase_nrows]), max([1,self.phase_ncols])) if self.phase_ncols == 1: gs_phase.update(left=0.12, right=0.93, top=divide - self.rv_phase_space * 0.5, bottom=0.07, hspace=0.003) else: gs_phase.update(left=0.12, right=0.93, top=divide - self.rv_phase_space * 0.5, bottom=0.07, hspace=0.25, wspace=0.25) for i in range(self.num_planets): i_row = int(i / self.phase_ncols) i_col = int(i - i_row * self.phase_ncols) ax_phase = pl.subplot(gs_phase[i_row, i_col]) self.ax_list += [ax_phase] self.plot_phasefold(pltletter, i+1) pltletter += 1 fig.tight_layout() if self.saveplot is not None: pl.savefig(self.saveplot, dpi=150) print("RV multi-panel plot saved to %s" % self.saveplot) return fig, self.ax_list
[docs]class GPMultipanelPlot(MultipanelPlot): """ Class to handle the creation of RV multipanel plots for posteriors fitted using Gaussian Processes. Takes the same args as MultipanelPlot, with a few additional bells and whistles... Args: subtract_gp_mean_model (bool, optional): if True, subtract the Gaussian process mean max likelihood model from the data and the model when plotting the results. Default: False. plot_likelihoods_separately (bool, optional): if True, plot a separate panel for each Likelihood object. Default: False subtract_orbit_model (bool, optional): if True, subtract the best-fit orbit model from the data and the model when plotting the results. Useful for seeing the structure of correlated noise in the data. Default: False. status (ConfigParser): (optional) result of radvel.driver.load_status on the .stat status file """ def __init__(self, post, saveplot=None, epoch=2450000, yscale_auto=False, yscale_sigma=3.0, phase_nrows=None, phase_ncols=None, uparams=None, rv_phase_space=0.08, telfmts={}, legend=True, phase_limits=[], nobin=False, phasetext_size='large', figwidth=7.5, fit_linewidth=2.0, set_xlim=None, text_size=9, legend_kwargs=dict(loc='best'), subtract_gp_mean_model=False, plot_likelihoods_separately=False, subtract_orbit_model=False, status=None, separate_orbit_gp=False): super(GPMultipanelPlot, self).__init__( post, saveplot=saveplot, epoch=epoch, yscale_auto=yscale_auto, yscale_sigma=yscale_sigma, phase_nrows=phase_nrows, phase_ncols=phase_ncols, uparams=uparams, rv_phase_space=rv_phase_space, telfmts=telfmts, legend=legend, phase_limits=phase_limits, nobin=nobin, phasetext_size=phasetext_size, figwidth=figwidth, fit_linewidth=fit_linewidth, set_xlim=set_xlim, text_size=text_size, legend_kwargs=legend_kwargs ) self.subtract_gp_mean_model = subtract_gp_mean_model self.plot_likelihoods_separately = plot_likelihoods_separately self.subtract_orbit_model = subtract_orbit_model self.separate_orbit_gp = separate_orbit_gp if status is not None: self.status = status is_gp = False for like in self.like_list: if isinstance(like, radvel.likelihood.GPLikelihood): is_gp = True break else: pass assert is_gp, "This class requires at least one GPLikelihood object in the Posterior."
[docs] def plot_gp_like(self, like, orbit_model4data, ci): """ Plot a single Gaussian Process Likleihood object in the current Axes, including Gaussian Process uncertainty bands. Args: like (radvel.GPLikelihood): radvel.GPLikelihood object. The model plotted will be generated from `like.params`. orbit_model4data (numpy array): ci (int): index to use when choosing a color to plot from radvel.plot.default_colors. This is only used if the Likelihood object being plotted is not in the list of defaults. Increments by 1 if it is used. Returns: current (possibly changed) value of the input `ci` """ ax = pl.gca() if isinstance(like, radvel.likelihood.GPLikelihood): if self.set_xlim is not None: xpred = np.linspace(self.set_xlim[0]+self.epoch, self.set_xlim[1]+self.epoch, num=int(3e3)) else: xpred = np.linspace(np.min(like.x), np.max(like.x), num=int(3e3)) gpmu, stddev = like.predict(xpred) if self.subtract_orbit_model: gp_orbit_model = np.zeros(xpred.shape) else: gp_orbit_model = self.model(xpred) if ((xpred - self.epoch) < -2.4e6).any(): pass elif self.epoch == 0: self.epoch = 2450000 xpred = xpred - self.epoch else: xpred = xpred - self.epoch if self.subtract_gp_mean_model: gpmu = 0. else: gp_mean4data, _ = like.predict(like.x) indx = np.where( == like.suffix) orbit_model4data[indx] += gp_mean4data if like.suffix not in self.telfmts and like.suffix in plot.telfmts_default: color = plot.telfmts_default[like.suffix]['color'] if like.suffix in self.telfmts: color = self.telfmts[like.suffix]['color'] if like.suffix not in self.telfmts and like.suffix not in plot.telfmts_default: color = plot.default_colors[ci] ci += 1 ax.fill_between(xpred, gpmu+gp_orbit_model-stddev, gpmu+gp_orbit_model+stddev, color=color, alpha=0.5, lw=0 ) if self.separate_orbit_gp: ax.plot(xpred, gpmu, '-', color='orange', rasterized=False, lw=0.2, label='GP') ax.plot(xpred, gp_orbit_model, 'g-', rasterized=False, lw=0.2, label="Orbit") ax.plot(xpred, gpmu+gp_orbit_model, 'b-', rasterized=False, lw=0.4, label="Orbit+GP") else: ax.plot(xpred, gpmu+gp_orbit_model, 'b-', rasterized=False, lw=0.4) else: # plot orbit model ax.plot(self.mplttimes, self.orbit_model, 'b-', rasterized=False, lw=0.1) if not self.yscale_auto: scale = np.std(self.rawresid+self.rvmod) ax.set_ylim(-self.yscale_sigma * scale, self.yscale_sigma * scale) ax.set_ylabel('RV [{ms:}]'.format(**plot.latex), weight='bold') ticks = ax.yaxis.get_majorticklocs() ax.yaxis.set_ticks(ticks[1:]) ax.xaxis.set_ticks([]) return ci
[docs] def plot_timeseries(self): """ Make a plot of the RV data and Gaussian Process + orbit model in the current Axes. """ ax = pl.gca() ax.axhline(0, color='0.5', linestyle='--') if self.subtract_orbit_model: orbit_model4data = np.zeros(self.rvmod.shape) else: orbit_model4data = self.rvmod ci = 0 for like in self.like_list: ci = self.plot_gp_like(like, orbit_model4data, ci) # plot data plot.mtelplot( # data = residuals + model self.plttimes, self.rawresid+orbit_model4data, self.rverr,, ax, telfmts=self.telfmts ) if self.set_xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(self.set_xlim) else: ax.set_xlim(min(self.plttimes)-0.01*self.dt, max(self.plttimes)+0.01*self.dt) pl.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # legend if self.legend: ax.legend(numpoints=1, **self.legend_kwargs) # years on upper axis axyrs = ax.twiny() xl = np.array(list(ax.get_xlim())) + self.epoch decimalyear = Time(xl, format='jd', scale='utc').decimalyear axyrs.plot(decimalyear, decimalyear) axyrs.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) axyrs.set_xlim(*decimalyear) pl.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=5) axyrs.set_xlabel('Year', fontweight='bold')
[docs] def plot_multipanel(self, nophase=False): """ Provision and plot an RV multipanel plot for a Posterior object containing one or more Gaussian Process Likelihood objects. Args: nophase (bool, optional): if True, don't include phase plots. Default: False. Returns: tuple containing: - current matplotlib Figure object - list of Axes objects """ if not self.plot_likelihoods_separately: super(GPMultipanelPlot, self).plot_multipanel() else: if nophase: scalefactor = 1 else: scalefactor = self.phase_nrows n_likes = len(self.like_list) figheight = self.ax_rv_height*(n_likes//self.phase_ncols+1.5) + self.ax_phase_height * scalefactor # provision figure fig = pl.figure(figsize=(self.figwidth, figheight)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.12, right=0.95) hrs = np.zeros(n_likes+1) + 1. hrs[-1] = 0.5 gs_rv = gridspec.GridSpec(n_likes+1, 1, height_ratios=hrs) divide = 1 - self.ax_rv_height*len(self.like_list) / figheight gs_rv.update(left=0.12, right=0.93, top=0.93, bottom=divide+self.rv_phase_space*0.5, hspace=0.0) # orbit plot for each likelihood pltletter = ord('a') i = 0 ci = 0 for like in self.like_list: ax = pl.subplot(gs_rv[i, 0]) i += 1 self.ax_list += [ax] ax.axhline(0, color='0.5', linestyle='--') if self.subtract_orbit_model: orbit_model4data = np.zeros(self.rvmod.shape) else: orbit_model4data = self.rvmod self.plot_gp_like(like, orbit_model4data, ci) # plot data plot.mtelplot( # data = residuals + model self.plttimes, self.rawresid+orbit_model4data, self.rverr,, ax, telfmts=self.telfmts ) ax.set_xlim(min(self.plttimes)-0.01*self.dt, max(self.plttimes)+0.01*self.dt) pl.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # legend if self.legend and i == 1: ax.legend(numpoints=1, **self.legend_kwargs) # years on upper axis if i == 1: axyrs = ax.twiny() xl = np.array(list(ax.get_xlim())) + self.epoch decimalyear = Time(xl, format='jd', scale='utc').decimalyear axyrs.plot(decimalyear, decimalyear) axyrs.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) axyrs.set_xlim(*decimalyear) axyrs.set_xlabel('Year', fontweight='bold') plot.labelfig(pltletter) pltletter += 1 # residuals ax_resid = pl.subplot(gs_rv[-1, 0]) self.ax_list += [ax_resid] self.plot_residuals() plot.labelfig(pltletter) pltletter += 1 # phase-folded plots if not nophase: gs_phase = gridspec.GridSpec(self.phase_nrows, self.phase_ncols) if self.phase_ncols == 1: gs_phase.update(left=0.12, right=0.93, top=divide - self.rv_phase_space * 0.5, bottom=0.07, hspace=0.003) else: gs_phase.update(left=0.12, right=0.93, top=divide - self.rv_phase_space * 0.5, bottom=0.07, hspace=0.25, wspace=0.25) for i in range(self.num_planets): i_row = int(i / self.phase_ncols) i_col = int(i - i_row * self.phase_ncols) ax_phase = pl.subplot(gs_phase[i_row, i_col]) self.ax_list += [ax_phase] self.plot_phasefold(pltletter, i+1) pltletter += 1 if self.saveplot is not None: pl.savefig(self.saveplot, dpi=150) print("RV multi-panel plot saved to %s" % self.saveplot) return fig, self.ax_list