Source code for radvel.driver

Driver functions for the radvel pipeline.\
These functions are meant to be used only with\
the `` command line interface.
from __future__ import print_function

import radvel
from radvel.likelihood import GPLikelihood
from radvel.plot import orbit_plots, mcmc_plots
from radvel.mcmc import statevars

import os
import sys
import copy
import collections
from collections import OrderedDict

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from numpy import inf
from astropy import constants as c

if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
    import ConfigParser as configparser
    import configparser
    from configparser import NoSectionError

[docs]def plots(args): """ Generate plots Args: args (ArgumentParser): command line arguments """ config_file = args.setupfn conf_base = os.path.basename(config_file).split('.')[0] statfile = os.path.join( args.outputdir, "{}_radvel.stat".format(conf_base) ) status = load_status(statfile) P, post = radvel.utils.initialize_posterior(config_file, decorr=args.decorr) assert status.getboolean('fit', 'run'), \ "Must perform max-liklihood fit before plotting" post = radvel.posterior.load(status.get('fit', 'postfile')) for ptype in args.type: print("Creating {} plot for {}".format(ptype, conf_base)) if ptype == 'rv': args.plotkw['uparams'] = post.uparams args.plotkw['status'] = status if 'saveplot' not in args.plotkw: saveto = os.path.join( args.outputdir, conf_base+'_rv_multipanel.pdf' ) else: saveto = args.plotkw['saveplot'] args.plotkw.pop('saveplot') P, _ = radvel.utils.initialize_posterior(config_file) if hasattr(P, 'bjd0'): args.plotkw['epoch'] = P.bjd0 if or isinstance(post.likelihood, GPLikelihood): GPPlot = orbit_plots.GPMultipanelPlot( post, saveplot=saveto, **args.plotkw ) GPPlot.plot_multipanel() else: RVPlot = orbit_plots.MultipanelPlot( post, saveplot=saveto, **args.plotkw ) RVPlot.plot_multipanel() # check to make sure that Posterior is not GP, print warning if it is if isinstance(post.likelihood, radvel.likelihood.CompositeLikelihood): like_list = post.likelihood.like_list else: like_list = [post.likelihood] for like in like_list: if isinstance(like, radvel.likelihood.GPLikelihood): print("WARNING: GP Likelihood(s) detected. \ You may want to use the '--gp' flag when making these plots.") break if ptype == 'corner' or ptype == 'auto' or ptype == 'trend': assert status.getboolean('mcmc', 'run'), \ "Must run MCMC before making corner, auto, or trend plots" chains = pd.read_csv(status.get('mcmc', 'chainfile')) autocorr = pd.read_csv(status.get('mcmc', 'autocorrfile')) if ptype == 'auto': saveto = os.path.join(args.outputdir, conf_base+'_auto.pdf') Auto = mcmc_plots.AutoPlot(autocorr, saveplot=saveto) Auto.plot() if ptype == 'corner': saveto = os.path.join(args.outputdir, conf_base+'_corner.pdf') Corner = mcmc_plots.CornerPlot(post, chains, saveplot=saveto) Corner.plot() if ptype == 'trend': nwalkers = status.getint('mcmc', 'nwalkers') nensembles = status.getint('mcmc', 'nensembles') saveto = os.path.join(args.outputdir, conf_base+'_trends.pdf') Trend = mcmc_plots.TrendPlot(post, chains, nwalkers, nensembles, saveto) Trend.plot() if ptype == 'derived': assert status.has_section('derive'), \ "Must run `radvel derive` before plotting derived parameters" P, _ = radvel.utils.initialize_posterior(config_file) chains = pd.read_csv(status.get('derive', 'chainfile')) saveto = os.path.join( args.outputdir, conf_base+'_corner_derived_pars.pdf' ) Derived = mcmc_plots.DerivedPlot(chains, P, saveplot=saveto) Derived.plot() savestate = {'{}_plot'.format(ptype): os.path.relpath(saveto)} save_status(statfile, 'plot', savestate)
[docs]def fit(args): """Perform maximum a posteriori fit Args: args (ArgumentParser): command line arguments """ config_file = args.setupfn conf_base = os.path.basename(config_file).split('.')[0] print("Performing maximum a posteriori fitting for {}".format(conf_base)) P, post = radvel.utils.initialize_posterior(config_file, decorr=args.decorr) post = radvel.fitting.maxlike_fitting(post, verbose=True) postfile = os.path.join(args.outputdir, '{}_post_obj.pkl'.format(conf_base)) post.writeto(postfile) savestate = {'run': True, 'postfile': os.path.relpath(postfile)} save_status(os.path.join(args.outputdir, '{}_radvel.stat'.format(conf_base)), 'fit', savestate)
[docs]def mcmc(args): """Perform MCMC error analysis Args: args (ArgumentParser): command line arguments """ config_file = args.setupfn conf_base = os.path.basename(config_file).split('.')[0] statfile = os.path.join(args.outputdir, "{}_radvel.stat".format(conf_base)) if or args.proceed: backend_loc = os.path.join(args.outputdir, conf_base+'_rawchain.h5') else: backend_loc = None status = load_status(statfile) P, post = radvel.utils.initialize_posterior(config_file, decorr=args.decorr) if status.getboolean('fit', 'run'): print("Loading starting positions from previous MAP fit") post = radvel.posterior.load(status.get('fit', 'postfile')) msg1 = ( "Running MCMC for {}, N_walkers = {}, N_steps = {}, N_ensembles = {}, Min Auto Factor = {}, " ).format(conf_base, args.nwalkers, args.nsteps, args.ensembles, args.minAfactor) msg2 = ( "Max Auto Relative-Change = {}, Max G-R = {}, Min Tz = {} ..." ).format(args.maxArchange, args.maxGR, args.minTz) print(msg1 + '\n' + msg2) chains = radvel.mcmc(post, nwalkers=args.nwalkers, nrun=args.nsteps, ensembles=args.ensembles, minAfactor=args.minAfactor, maxArchange=args.maxArchange, burnAfactor=args.burnAfactor, burnGR=args.burnGR, maxGR=args.maxGR, minTz=args.minTz, minsteps=args.minsteps, minpercent=args.minpercent, thin=args.thin, serial=args.serial,, savename=backend_loc, proceed=args.proceed, proceedname=backend_loc, headless=args.headless) mintz = statevars.mintz maxgr = statevars.maxgr minafactor = statevars.minafactor maxarchange = statevars.maxarchange # Convert chains into synth basis synthchains = chains.copy() for par in post.params.keys(): if not post.vector.vector[post.vector.indices[par]][1]: synthchains[par] = post.vector.vector[post.vector.indices[par]][0] synthchains = post.params.basis.to_synth(synthchains) synth_quantile = synthchains.quantile([0.159, 0.5, 0.841]) # Get quantiles and update posterior object to median # values returned by MCMC chains post_summary = chains.quantile([0.159, 0.5, 0.841]) for k in chains.columns: if k in post.params.keys(): post.vector.vector[post.vector.indices[k]][0] = post_summary[k][0.5] post.vector.vector_to_dict() print("Performing post-MCMC maximum likelihood fit...") post = radvel.fitting.maxlike_fitting(post, verbose=False) final_logprob = post.logprob() final_residuals = post.likelihood.residuals().std() final_chisq = np.sum(post.likelihood.residuals()**2 / (post.likelihood.errorbars()**2)) deg_of_freedom = len(post.likelihood.y) - len(post.likelihood.get_vary_params()) final_chisq_reduced = final_chisq / deg_of_freedom post.vector.vector_to_dict() synthparams = post.params.basis.to_synth(post.params) print("Calculating uncertainties...") post.uparams = {} post.medparams = {} post.maxparams = {} for par in synthparams.keys(): maxlike = synthparams[par].value med = synth_quantile[par][0.5] high = synth_quantile[par][0.841] - med low = med - synth_quantile[par][0.159] err = np.mean([high, low]) if maxlike == -np.inf and med == -np.inf and np.isnan(low) and np.isnan(high): err = 0.0 else: err = radvel.utils.round_sig(err) if err > 0.0: med, err, errhigh = radvel.utils.sigfig(med, err) maxlike, err, errhigh = radvel.utils.sigfig(maxlike, err) post.uparams[par] = err post.medparams[par] = med post.maxparams[par] = maxlike print("Final loglikelihood = %f" % final_logprob) print("Final RMS = %f" % final_residuals) print("Final reduced chi-square = {}".format(final_chisq_reduced)) print("Best-fit parameters:") print(post) print("Saving output files...") saveto = os.path.join(args.outputdir, conf_base+'_post_summary.csv') post_summary.to_csv(saveto, sep=',') postfile = os.path.join(args.outputdir, '{}_post_obj.pkl'.format(conf_base)) post.writeto(postfile) csvfn = os.path.join(args.outputdir, conf_base+'_chains.csv.bz2') chains.to_csv(csvfn, compression='bz2') auto = pd.DataFrame() auto['autosamples'] = statevars.autosamples auto['automin'] = statevars.automin auto['automean'] = statevars.automean auto['automax'] = statevars.automax auto['factor'] = statevars.factor autocorr = os.path.join(args.outputdir, conf_base+'_autocorr.csv') auto.to_csv(autocorr, sep=',') savestate = {'run': True, 'postfile': os.path.relpath(postfile), 'chainfile': os.path.relpath(csvfn), 'autocorrfile': os.path.relpath(autocorr), 'summaryfile': os.path.relpath(saveto), 'nwalkers': statevars.nwalkers, 'nensembles': args.ensembles, 'maxsteps': args.nsteps*statevars.nwalkers*args.ensembles, 'nsteps': statevars.ncomplete, 'nburn': statevars.nburn, 'minafactor': minafactor, 'maxarchange': maxarchange, 'minTz': mintz, 'maxGR': maxgr} save_status(statfile, 'mcmc', savestate) statevars.reset()
[docs]def ic_compare(args): """Compare different models and comparative statistics including AIC and BIC statistics. Args: args (ArgumentParser): command line arguments """ config_file = args.setupfn conf_base = os.path.basename(config_file).split('.')[0] statfile = os.path.join(args.outputdir, "{}_radvel.stat".format(conf_base)) status = load_status(statfile) P, post = radvel.utils.initialize_posterior(config_file, decorr=args.decorr) assert status.getboolean('fit', 'run'), \ "Must perform max-liklihood fit before running Information Criteria comparisons" post = radvel.posterior.load(status.get('fit', 'postfile')) choices = ['nplanets', 'e', 'trend', 'jit', 'gp'] statsdictlist = [] paramlist = [] compareparams = args.type ipost = copy.deepcopy(post) if args.simple: statsdictlist += radvel.fitting.model_comp(ipost, params=[], verbose=args.verbose) else: if hasattr(args, 'fixjitter') and args.fixjitter: for param in ipost.params: if len(param) >= 3 and param[0:3] == 'jit': ipost.params[param].vary = False for compareparam in compareparams: assert compareparam in choices, \ "Valid parameter choices for 'ic -t' are combinations of: "\ + " ".join(choices) paramlist.append(compareparam) if hasattr(args, 'mixed') and not args.mixed: statsdictlist += radvel.fitting.model_comp(ipost, params=[compareparam], verbose=args.verbose) if hasattr(args, 'mixed') and not args.mixed: new_statsdictlist = [] for dicti in statsdictlist: anymatch = False for seendict in new_statsdictlist: if collections.Counter(dicti['Free Params'][0]) == \ collections.Counter(seendict['Free Params'][0]): anymatch = True continue if not anymatch: new_statsdictlist.append(dicti) statsdictlist = new_statsdictlist if not hasattr(args, 'mixed') or (hasattr(args, 'mixed') and args.mixed): statsdictlist += radvel.fitting.model_comp(ipost, params=paramlist, verbose=args.verbose) savestate = {'ic': statsdictlist} save_status(statfile, 'ic_compare', savestate)
[docs]def tables(args): """Generate TeX code for tables in summary report Args: args (ArgumentParser): command line arguments """ config_file = args.setupfn conf_base = os.path.basename(config_file).split('.')[0] statfile = os.path.join(args.outputdir, "{}_radvel.stat".format(conf_base)) status = load_status(statfile) assert status.getboolean('mcmc', 'run'), \ "Must run MCMC before making tables" P, post = radvel.utils.initialize_posterior(config_file) post = radvel.posterior.load(status.get('fit', 'postfile')) chains = pd.read_csv(status.get('mcmc', 'chainfile')) minafactor = status.get('mcmc', 'minafactor') maxarchange = status.get('mcmc', 'maxarchange') maxgr = status.get('mcmc', 'maxgr') mintz = status.get('mcmc', 'mintz') if 'derive' in status.sections() and status.getboolean('derive', 'run'): dchains = pd.read_csv(status.get('derive', 'chainfile')) chains = chains.join(dchains, rsuffix='_derived') derived = True else: derived = False report =, post, chains, minafactor, maxarchange, maxgr, mintz, derived=derived) tabletex = attrdict = {'priors': 'tab_prior_summary', 'rv': 'tab_rv', 'params': 'tab_params', 'derived': 'tab_derived', 'crit': 'tab_crit'} for tabtype in args.type: print("Generating LaTeX code for {} table".format(tabtype)) if tabtype == 'ic_compare': assert status.has_option('ic_compare', 'ic'), \ "Must run Information Criteria comparison before making comparison tables" compstats = eval(status.get('ic_compare', 'ic')) report = P, post, chains, minafactor, maxarchange, maxgr, mintz, compstats=compstats ) tabletex = tex = tabletex.tab_comparison() elif tabtype == 'rv': tex = getattr(tabletex, attrdict[tabtype])(name_in_title=args.name_in_title, max_lines=None) elif tabtype == 'crit': tex = getattr(tabletex, attrdict[tabtype])(name_in_title=args.name_in_title) else: if tabtype == 'derived': assert status.has_option('derive', 'run'), \ "Must run `radvel derive` before making derived parameter table" assert tabtype in attrdict, 'Invalid Table Type %s ' % tabtype tex = getattr(tabletex, attrdict[tabtype])(name_in_title=args.name_in_title) saveto = os.path.join( args.outputdir, '{}_{}.tex'.format(conf_base, tabtype) ) with open(saveto, 'w+') as f: f.write(tex) savestate = {'{}_tex'.format(tabtype): os.path.relpath(saveto)} save_status(statfile, 'table', savestate)
[docs]def derive(args): """Derive physical parameters from posterior samples Args: args (ArgumentParser): command line arguments """ config_file = args.setupfn conf_base = os.path.basename(config_file).split('.')[0] statfile = os.path.join(args.outputdir, "{}_radvel.stat".format(conf_base)) status = load_status(statfile) msg = "Multiplying mcmc chains by physical parameters for {}".format( conf_base ) print(msg) assert status.getboolean('mcmc', 'run'), "Must run MCMC before making tables" P, post = radvel.utils.initialize_posterior(config_file) post = radvel.posterior.load(status.get('fit', 'postfile')) chains = pd.read_csv(status.get('mcmc', 'chainfile')) try: mstar = np.random.normal( loc=P.stellar['mstar'], scale=P.stellar['mstar_err'], size=len(chains) ) except AttributeError: print("Unable to calculate derived parameters, stellar parameters not defined the config file.") return if (mstar <= 0.0).any(): num_nan = np.sum(mstar <= 0.0) nan_perc = float(num_nan) / len(chains) mstar[mstar <= 0] = np.abs(mstar[mstar <= 0]) print("WARNING: {} ({:.2f} %) of Msini samples are NaN. The stellar mass posterior may contain negative \ values. Interpret posterior with caution.".format(num_nan, nan_perc)) # Convert chains into synth basis synthchains = chains.copy() for par in post.params.keys(): if not post.params[par].vary: synthchains[par] = post.params[par].value synthchains = post.params.basis.to_synth(synthchains) savestate = {'run': True} outcols = [] for i in np.arange(1, P.nplanets + 1, 1): # Grab parameters from the chain def _has_col(key): cols = list(synthchains.columns) return cols.count('{}{}'.format(key, i)) == 1 def _get_param(key): if _has_col(key): return synthchains['{}{}'.format(key, i)] else: return P.params['{}{}'.format(key, i)].value def _set_param(key, value): chains['{}{}'.format(key, i)] = value def _get_colname(key): return '{}{}'.format(key, i) per = _get_param('per') k = _get_param('k') e = _get_param('e') mpsini = radvel.utils.Msini(k, per, mstar, e, Msini_units='earth') _set_param('mpsini', mpsini) outcols.append(_get_colname('mpsini')) mtotal = mstar + (mpsini * c.M_earth.value) / c.M_sun.value # get total star plus planet mass a = radvel.utils.semi_major_axis(per, mtotal) # changed from mstar to mtotal _set_param('a', a) outcols.append(_get_colname('a')) musini = (mpsini * c.M_earth) / (mstar * c.M_sun) _set_param('musini', musini) outcols.append(_get_colname('musini')) try: rp = np.random.normal( loc=P.planet['rp{}'.format(i)], scale=P.planet['rp_err{}'.format(i)], size=len(chains) ) _set_param('rp', rp) _set_param('rhop', radvel.utils.density(mpsini, rp)) outcols.append(_get_colname('rhop')) except (AttributeError, KeyError): pass # Get quantiles and update posterior object to median # values returned by MCMC chains quantiles = chains.quantile([0.159, 0.5, 0.841]) csvfn = os.path.join(args.outputdir, conf_base+'_derived_quantiles.csv') quantiles.to_csv(csvfn, columns=outcols) # saved derived paramters to posterior file postfile = os.path.join(args.outputdir, '{}_post_obj.pkl'.format(conf_base)) post.derived = quantiles[outcols] post.writeto(postfile) savestate['quantfile'] = os.path.relpath(csvfn) csvfn = os.path.join(args.outputdir, conf_base+'_derived.csv.bz2') chains.to_csv(csvfn, columns=outcols, compression='bz2') savestate['chainfile'] = os.path.relpath(csvfn) print("Derived parameters:", outcols) save_status(statfile, 'derive', savestate)
[docs]def report(args): """Generate summary report Args: args (ArgumentParser): command line arguments """ config_file = args.setupfn conf_base = os.path.basename(config_file).split('.')[0] print("Assembling report for {}".format(conf_base)) statfile = os.path.join(args.outputdir, "{}_radvel.stat".format(conf_base)) status = load_status(statfile) if 'ic_compare' in status.keys(): status['ic_compare']['ic'] = status['ic_compare']['ic'].replace('-inf', '-np.inf') P, post = radvel.utils.initialize_posterior(config_file) post = radvel.posterior.load(status.get('fit', 'postfile')) chains = pd.read_csv(status.get('mcmc', 'chainfile')) minafactor = status.get('mcmc', 'minafactor') maxarchange = status.get('mcmc', 'maxarchange') maxgr = status.get('mcmc', 'maxgr') mintz = status.get('mcmc', 'mintz') if 'derive' in status.sections() and status.getboolean('derive', 'run'): dchains = pd.read_csv(status.get('derive', 'chainfile')) chains = chains.join(dchains, rsuffix='_derived') derived = True else: derived = False try: compstats = eval(status.get('ic_compare', 'ic')) except (KeyError, NoSectionError): print("WARNING: Could not find {} model comparison \ in {}.\nPlease make sure that you have run `radvel ic -t {}` (or, e.g., `radvel \ ic -t nplanets e trend jit gp`)\ \nif you would like to include the model comparison table in the \ report.".format(args.comptype, statfile, args.comptype)) compstats = None report =, post, chains, minafactor, maxarchange, maxgr, mintz, compstats=compstats, derived=derived) report.runname = conf_base report_depfiles = [] for ptype, pfile in status.items('plot'): report_depfiles.append(pfile) with radvel.utils.working_directory(args.outputdir): rfile = os.path.join(conf_base+"_results.pdf") report_depfiles = [os.path.basename(p) for p in report_depfiles] report.compile( rfile, depfiles=report_depfiles, latex_compiler=args.latex_compiler )
[docs]def save_status(statfile, section, statevars): """Save pipeline status Args: statfile (string): name of output file section (string): name of section to write statevars (dict): dictionary of all options to populate the specified section """ config = configparser.RawConfigParser() if os.path.isfile(statfile): if not config.has_section(section): config.add_section(section) for key, val in statevars.items(): config.set(section, key, val) with open(statfile, 'w') as f: config.write(f)
[docs]def load_status(statfile): """Load pipeline status Args: statfile (string): name of configparser file Returns: configparser.RawConfigParser """ config = configparser.RawConfigParser() gl = return config