Source code for

import sys
import radvel
import scipy
from scipy import spatial
import abc
import numpy as np
import warnings


# implemented kernels & examples of their associated hyperparameters
    "SqExp": ['gp_length', 'gp_amp'],
    "Per": ['gp_per', 'gp_length', 'gp_amp'],
    "QuasiPer": ['gp_per', 'gp_perlength', 'gp_explength', 'gp_amp'],
    "Celerite": ['gp_B', 'gp_C', 'gp_L', 'gp_Prot']

if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
    ABC = abc.ABCMeta('ABC', (), {})
    ABC = abc.ABC

# celerite is an optional dependency
def _try_celerite():
        import celerite
        from celerite.solver import CholeskySolver
        return True
    except ImportError:
        warnings.warn("celerite not installed. GP kernals using celerite will not work. \
Try installing celerite using 'pip install celerite'", ImportWarning)
        return False

_has_celerite = _try_celerite()
if _has_celerite:
    import celerite
    from celerite.solver import CholeskySolver

[docs]class Kernel(ABC): """ Abstract base class to store kernel info and compute covariance matrix. All kernel objects inherit from this class. Note: To implement your own kernel, create a class that inherits from this class. It should have hyperparameters that follow the name scheme 'gp_NAME_SUFFIX'. """ @abc.abstractproperty def name(self): pass @abc.abstractmethod def compute_distances(self, x1, x2): pass @abc.abstractmethod def compute_covmatrix(self, errors): pass
[docs]class SqExpKernel(Kernel): """ Class that computes and stores a squared exponential kernel matrix. An arbitrary element, :math:`C_{ij}`, of the matrix is: .. math:: C_{ij} = \\eta_1^2 * exp( \\frac{ -|t_i - t_j|^2 }{ \\eta_2^2 } ) Args: hparams (dict of radvel.Parameter): dictionary containing radvel.Parameter objects that are GP hyperparameters of this kernel. Must contain exactly two objects, 'gp_length*' and 'gp_amp*', where * is a suffix identifying these hyperparameters with a likelihood object. """ @property def name(self): return "SqExp" def __init__(self, hparams): self.covmatrix = None self.hparams = {} for par in hparams: if par.startswith('gp_length'): self.hparams['gp_length'] = hparams[par] if par.startswith('gp_amp'): self.hparams['gp_amp'] = hparams[par] assert len(hparams) == 2, \ "SqExpKernel requires exactly 2 hyperparameters with names" \ + "'gp_length*' and 'gp_amp*'." try: self.hparams['gp_length'].value self.hparams['gp_amp'].value except KeyError: raise KeyError("SqExpKernel requires hyperparameters 'gp_length*'" \ + " and 'gp_amp*'.") except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("SqExpKernel requires dictionary of" \ + " radvel.Parameter objects as input.") def __repr__(self): length = self.hparams['gp_length'].value amp = self.hparams['gp_amp'].value return "SqExp Kernel with length: {}, amp: {}".format(length, amp) def compute_distances(self, x1, x2): X1 = np.array([x1]).T X2 = np.array([x2]).T self.dist = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(X1, X2, 'sqeuclidean')
[docs] def compute_covmatrix(self, errors): """ Compute the covariance matrix, and optionally add errors along the diagonal. Args: errors (float or numpy array): If covariance matrix is non-square, this arg must be set to 0. If covariance matrix is square, this can be a numpy array of observational errors and jitter added in quadrature. """ length = self.hparams['gp_length'].value amp = self.hparams['gp_amp'].value K = amp**2 * scipy.exp(-self.dist/(length**2)) self.covmatrix = K # add errors along the diagonal try: self.covmatrix += (errors**2) * np.identity(K.shape[0]) except ValueError: # errors can't be added along diagonal to a non-square array pass return self.covmatrix
[docs]class PerKernel(Kernel): """ Class that computes and stores a periodic kernel matrix. An arbitrary element, :math:`C_{ij}`, of the matrix is: .. math:: C_{ij} = \\eta_1^2 * exp( \\frac{ -\\sin^2(\\frac{ \\pi|t_i-t_j| }{ \\eta_3^2 } ) }{ 2\\eta_2^2 } ) Args: hparams (dict of radvel.Parameter): dictionary containing radvel.Parameter objects that are GP hyperparameters of this kernel. Must contain exactly three objects, 'gp_length*', 'gp_amp*', and 'gp_per*', where * is a suffix identifying these hyperparameters with a likelihood object. """ @property def name(self): return "Per" def __init__(self, hparams): self.covmatrix = None self.hparams = {} for par in hparams: if par.startswith('gp_length'): self.hparams['gp_length'] = hparams[par] if par.startswith('gp_amp'): self.hparams['gp_amp'] = hparams[par] if par.startswith('gp_per'): self.hparams['gp_per'] = hparams[par] assert len(hparams) == 3, \ "PerKernel requires exactly 3 hyperparameters with names 'gp_length*'," \ + " 'gp_amp*', and 'gp_per*'." try: self.hparams['gp_length'].value self.hparams['gp_amp'].value self.hparams['gp_per'].value except KeyError: raise KeyError("PerKernel requires hyperparameters 'gp_length*'," \ + " 'gp_amp*', and 'gp_per*'.") except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("PerKernel requires dictionary of " \ + "radvel.Parameter objects as input.") def __repr__(self): length = self.hparams['gp_length'].value amp = self.hparams['gp_amp'].value per = self.hparams['gp_per'].value return "Per Kernel with length: {}, amp: {}, per: {}".format( length, amp, per ) def compute_distances(self, x1, x2): X1 = np.array([x1]).T X2 = np.array([x2]).T self.dist = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(X1, X2, 'euclidean')
[docs] def compute_covmatrix(self, errors): """ Compute the covariance matrix, and optionally add errors along the diagonal. Args: errors (float or numpy array): If covariance matrix is non-square, this arg must be set to 0. If covariance matrix is square, this can be a numpy array of observational errors and jitter added in quadrature. """ length= self.hparams['gp_length'].value amp = self.hparams['gp_amp'].value per = self.hparams['gp_per'].value K = amp**2 * scipy.exp(-np.sin(np.pi*self.dist/per)**2. / (2.*length**2)) self.covmatrix = K # add errors along the diagonal try: self.covmatrix += (errors**2) * np.identity(K.shape[0]) except ValueError: # errors can't be added along diagonal to a non-square array pass return self.covmatrix
[docs]class QuasiPerKernel(Kernel): """ Class that computes and stores a quasi periodic kernel matrix. An arbitrary element, :math:`C_{ij}`, of the matrix is: .. math:: C_{ij} = \\eta_1^2 * exp( \\frac{ -|t_i - t_j|^2 }{ \\eta_2^2 } - \\frac{ \\sin^2(\\frac{ \\pi|t_i-t_j| }{ \\eta_3 } ) }{ 2\\eta_4^2 } ) Args: hparams (dict of radvel.Parameter): dictionary containing radvel.Parameter objects that are GP hyperparameters of this kernel. Must contain exactly four objects, 'gp_explength*', 'gp_amp*', 'gp_per*', and 'gp_perlength*', where * is a suffix identifying these hyperparameters with a likelihood object. """ @property def name(self): return "QuasiPer" def __init__(self, hparams): self.covmatrix = None self.hparams = {} for par in hparams: if par.startswith('gp_perlength'): self.hparams['gp_perlength'] = hparams[par] if par.startswith('gp_amp'): self.hparams['gp_amp'] = hparams[par] if par.startswith('gp_per') and not 'length' in par: self.hparams['gp_per'] = hparams[par] if par.startswith('gp_explength'): self.hparams['gp_explength'] = hparams[par] assert len(hparams) == 4, \ "QuasiPerKernel requires exactly 4 hyperparameters with names" \ + " 'gp_perlength*', 'gp_amp*', 'gp_per*', and 'gp_explength*'." try: self.hparams['gp_perlength'].value self.hparams['gp_amp'].value self.hparams['gp_per'].value self.hparams['gp_explength'].value except KeyError: raise KeyError("QuasiPerKernel requires hyperparameters" \ + " 'gp_perlength*', 'gp_amp*', 'gp_per*', " \ + "and 'gp_explength*'.") except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("QuasiPerKernel requires dictionary of" \ + " radvel.Parameter objects as input.") def __repr__(self): perlength = self.hparams['gp_perlength'].value amp = self.hparams['gp_amp'].value per = self.hparams['gp_per'].value explength = self.hparams['gp_explength'].value msg = ( "QuasiPer Kernel with amp: {}, per length: {}, per: {}, " "exp length: {}" ).format(amp, perlength, per, explength) return msg def compute_distances(self, x1, x2): X1 = np.array([x1]).T X2 = np.array([x2]).T self.dist_p = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(X1, X2, 'euclidean') self.dist_se = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(X1, X2, 'sqeuclidean')
[docs] def compute_covmatrix(self, errors): """ Compute the covariance matrix, and optionally add errors along the diagonal. Args: errors (float or numpy array): If covariance matrix is non-square, this arg must be set to 0. If covariance matrix is square, this can be a numpy array of observational errors and jitter added in quadrature. """ perlength = self.hparams['gp_perlength'].value amp = self.hparams['gp_amp'].value per = self.hparams['gp_per'].value explength = self.hparams['gp_explength'].value K = np.array(amp**2 * scipy.exp(-self.dist_se/(explength**2)) * scipy.exp((-np.sin(np.pi*self.dist_p/per)**2.) / (2.*perlength**2))) self.covmatrix = K # add errors along the diagonal try: self.covmatrix += (errors**2) * np.identity(K.shape[0]) except ValueError: # errors can't be added along diagonal to a non-square array pass return self.covmatrix
[docs]class CeleriteKernel(Kernel): """ Class that computes and stores a matrix approximating the quasi-periodic kernel. See `radvel/example_planets/` for an example of a setup file that uses this Kernel object. See and Foreman-Mackey et al. 2017. AJ, 154, 220 (equation 56) for more details. An arbitrary element, :math:`C_{ij}`, of the matrix is: .. math:: C_{ij} = B/(2+C) * exp( -|t_i - t_j| / L) * (\\cos(\\frac{ 2\\pi|t_i-t_j| }{ P_{rot} }) + (1+C) ) Args: hparams (dict of radvel.Parameter): dictionary containing radvel.Parameter objects that are GP hyperparameters of this kernel. Must contain exactly four objects, 'gp_B*', 'gp_C*', 'gp_L*', and 'gp_Prot*', where * is a suffix identifying these hyperparameters with a likelihood object. """ @property def name(self): return "Celerite" def __init__(self, hparams): self.hparams = {} for par in hparams: if par.startswith('gp_B'): self.hparams['gp_B'] = hparams[par] if par.startswith('gp_C'): self.hparams['gp_C'] = hparams[par] if par.startswith('gp_L'): self.hparams['gp_L'] = hparams[par] if par.startswith('gp_Prot'): self.hparams['gp_Prot'] = hparams[par] assert len(self.hparams) == 4, """ CeleriteKernel requires exactly 4 hyperparameters with names 'gp_B', 'gp_C', 'gp_L', and 'gp_Prot'. """ try: self.hparams['gp_Prot'].value self.hparams['gp_C'].value self.hparams['gp_B'].value self.hparams['gp_L'].value except KeyError: raise KeyError(""" CeleriteKernel requires hyperparameters 'gp_B*', 'gp_C*', 'gp_L', and 'gp_Prot*'. """) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("CeleriteKernel requires dictionary of radvel.Parameter objects as input.") # get arrays of real and complex parameters def compute_real_and_complex_hparams(self): self.real = np.zeros((1, 4)) self.complex = np.zeros((1, 4)) B = self.hparams['gp_B'].value C = self.hparams['gp_C'].value L = self.hparams['gp_L'].value Prot = self.hparams['gp_Prot'].value # Foreman-Mackey et al. (2017) eq 56 self.real[0,0] = B*(1+C)/(2+C) self.real[0,2] = 1/L self.complex[0,0] = B/(2+C) self.complex[0,1] = 0. self.complex[0,2] = 1/L self.complex[0,3] = 2*np.pi/Prot def __repr__(self): B = self.hparams['gp_B'].value C = self.hparams['gp_C'].value L = self.hparams['gp_L'].value Prot = self.hparams['gp_Prot'].value msg = ( "Celerite Kernel with B = {}, C = {}, L = {}, Prot = {}." ).format(B, C, L, Prot) return msg
[docs] def compute_distances(self, x1, x2): """ The celerite.solver.CholeskySolver object does not require distances to be precomputed, so this method has been co-opted to define some unchanging variables. """ self.x = x1 # blank matrices (corresponding to Cholesky decomp of kernel) needed for celerite solver self.A = np.empty(0) self.U = np.empty((0,0)) self.V = self.U
[docs] def compute_covmatrix(self, errors): """ Compute the Cholesky decomposition of a celerite kernel Args: errors (array of float): observation errors and jitter added in quadrature Returns: celerite.solver.CholeskySolver: the celerite solver object, with Cholesky decomposition computed. """ # initialize celerite solver object solver = CholeskySolver() self.compute_real_and_complex_hparams() solver.compute( 0., self.real[:,0], self.real[:,2], self.complex[:,0], self.complex[:,1], self.complex[:,2], self.complex[:,3], self.A, self.U, self.V, self.x, errors**2 ) return solver