Source code for radvel.mcmc

import time
import curses
import sys
import os

import multiprocessing as mp

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

import emcee
import h5py

from radvel import utils
import radvel

class StateVars(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.oac = 0
        self.autosamples = []
        self.automean = []
        self.automin = []
        self.automax = []
        self.proceed_started = 0

    def reset(self):

statevars = StateVars()

def isnotebook():
        shell = get_ipython().__class__.__name__
        if shell == 'ZMQInteractiveShell':
            return True   # Jupyter notebook or qtconsole
        elif shell == 'TerminalInteractiveShell':
            return False  # Terminal running IPython
            return False  # Other type (?)
    except NameError:
        return False      # Probably standard Python interpreter

def _closescr():
    if isnotebook() == False:

def _progress_bar(step, totsteps, width=50):
    fltot = float(totsteps)
    numsym = int(np.round(width * (step / fltot)))

    bar = ''.join(["=" for s in range(numsym)])
    bar += ''.join([" " for s in range(width - numsym)])

    msg = "[" + bar + "]"


def _status_message_NB(statevars):

    msg1 = (
        "{:d}/{:d} ({:3.1f}%) steps complete; "
        "Running {:.2f} steps/s; Mean acceptance rate = {:3.1f}%; "
        "Min Auto Factor = {:3.0f}; Max Auto Relative-Change = {:5.3}; "
        "Min Tz = {:.1f}; Max G-R = {:5.3f}\r"
    ).format(statevars.ncomplete, statevars.totsteps, statevars.pcomplete, statevars.rate,,
             statevars.minafactor, statevars.maxarchange, statevars.mintz, statevars.maxgr)


def _status_message_CLI(statevars):

    statevars.screen = curses.initscr()


    barline = _progress_bar(statevars.ncomplete, statevars.totsteps)

    msg1 = (
            barline + " {:d}/{:d} ({:3.1f}%) steps complete; "
    ).format(statevars.ncomplete, statevars.totsteps, statevars.pcomplete)

    msg2 = (
        "Running {:.2f} steps/s; Mean acceptance rate = {:3.1f}%; "
        "Min Auto Factor = {:3.0f}; \nMax Auto Relative-Change = {:5.3}; "
        "Min Tz = {:.1f}; Max G-R = {:5.3f}\n"
    ).format(statevars.rate,, statevars.minafactor, statevars.maxarchange,
             statevars.mintz, statevars.maxgr)

    statevars.screen.addstr(0, 0, msg1+ '\n' + msg2)


[docs]def convergence_check(minAfactor, maxArchange, maxGR, minTz, minsteps, minpercent, headless): """Check for convergence Check for convergence for a list of emcee samplers Args: minAfactor (float): Minimum autocorrelation time factor for chains to be deemed well-mixed and halt the MCMC run maxArchange (float): Maximum relative change in the autocorrelative time to be deemed well-mixed and halt the MCMC run maxGR (float): Maximum G-R statistic for chains to be deemed well-mixed and halt the MCMC run minTz (int): Minimum Tz to consider well-mixed minsteps (int): Minimum number of steps per walker before convergence tests are performed. Convergence checks will start after the minsteps threshold or the minpercent threshold has been hit. minpercent (float): Minimum percentage of total steps before convergence tests are performed. Convergence checks will start after the minsteps threshold or the minpercent threshold has been hit. headless (bool): if set to true, the convergence statistics will not be displayed in real time. """ = 0 statevars.ncomplete = statevars.nburn statevars.lnprob = [] statevars.autocorrelation = [] statevars.chains = [] for i,sampler in enumerate(statevars.samplers): statevars.ncomplete += sampler.get_log_prob(flat=True).shape[0] += sampler.acceptance_fraction.mean() * 100 statevars.chains.append(sampler.get_chain()[:,:,:].T) statevars.lnprob.append(sampler.get_log_prob().T) /= statevars.ensembles statevars.pcomplete = statevars.ncomplete/float(statevars.totsteps) * 100 statevars.rate = (statevars.checkinterval*statevars.nwalkers*statevars.ensembles) / statevars.interval if statevars.ensembles < 3: # if less than 3 ensembles then GR between ensembles does # not work so just calculate it on the last sampler statevars.tchains = sampler.chain.transpose() # Must have completed at least 5% or minsteps steps per walker before # attempting to calculate GR if statevars.pcomplete < minpercent and sampler.get_log_prob(flat=True).shape[0] <= minsteps*statevars.nwalkers: (statevars.ismixed, statevars.minafactor, statevars.maxarchange, statevars.maxgr, statevars.mintz) = 0, -1.0, np.inf, np.inf, -1.0 else: (statevars.ismixed, afactor, archange, oac, gr, tz) \ = convergence_calculate(statevars.chains, oldautocorrelation=statevars.oac, minAfactor=minAfactor, maxArchange=maxArchange, maxGR=maxGR, minTz=minTz) statevars.mintz = min(tz) statevars.maxgr = max(gr) statevars.minafactor = np.amin(afactor) statevars.maxarchange = np.amax(archange) statevars.oac = oac if statevars.burn_complete: statevars.autosamples.append(len(statevars.chains)*statevars.chains[0].shape[2]) statevars.automean.append(np.mean(statevars.oac)) statevars.automin.append(np.amin(statevars.oac)) statevars.automax.append(np.amax(statevars.oac)) if statevars.ismixed: statevars.mixcount += 1 else: statevars.mixcount = 0 if not headless: if isnotebook(): _status_message_NB(statevars) else: _status_message_CLI(statevars)
def _domcmc(input_tuple): """Function to be run in parallel on different CPUs Input is a tuple: first element is an emcee sampler object, second is an array of initial positions, third is number of steps to run before doing a convergence check """ sampler = input_tuple[0] ipos = input_tuple[1] check_interval = input_tuple[2] sampler.run_mcmc(ipos, check_interval) return sampler
[docs]def mcmc(post, nwalkers=50, nrun=10000, ensembles=8, checkinterval=50, minAfactor=40, maxArchange=.03, burnAfactor=25, burnGR=1.03, maxGR=1.01, minTz=1000, minsteps=1000, minpercent=5, thin=1, serial=False, save=False, savename=None, proceed=False, proceedname=None, headless=False): """Run MCMC Run MCMC chains using the emcee EnsambleSampler Args: post (radvel.posterior): radvel posterior object nwalkers (int): (optional) number of MCMC walkers nrun (int): (optional) number of steps to take ensembles (int): (optional) number of ensembles to run. Will be run in parallel on separate CPUs checkinterval (int): (optional) check MCMC convergence statistics every `checkinterval` steps minAfactor (float): Minimum autocorrelation time factor to deem chains as well-mixed and halt the MCMC run maxArchange (float): Maximum relative change in autocorrelation time to deem chains and well-mixed burnAfactor (float): Minimum autocorrelation time factor to stop burn-in period. Burn-in ends once burnGr or burnAfactor are reached. burnGR (float): (optional) Maximum G-R statistic to stop burn-in period. Burn-in ends once burnGr or burnAfactor are reached. maxGR (float): (optional) Maximum G-R statistic for chains to be deemed well-mixed and halt the MCMC run minTz (int): (optional) Minimum Tz to consider well-mixed minsteps (int): Minimum number of steps per walker before convergence tests are performed. Convergence checks will start after the minsteps threshold or the minpercent threshold has been hit. minpercent (float): Minimum percentage of total steps before convergence tests are performed. Convergence checks will start after the minsteps threshold or the minpercent threshold has been hit. thin (int): (optional) save one sample every N steps (default=1, save every sample) serial (bool): set to true if MCMC should be run in serial save (bool): set to true to save MCMC chains that can be continued in a future run savename (string): location of h5py file where MCMC chains will be saved for future use proceed (bool): set to true to continue a previously saved run proceedname (string): location of h5py file with previously MCMC run chains headless (bool): if set to true, the convergence statistics will not display in real time Returns: DataFrame: DataFrame containing the MCMC samples """ statevars.reset() try: if save and savename is None: raise ValueError('save set to true but no savename provided') if save: h5f = h5py.File(savename, 'a') if proceed: if proceedname is None: raise ValueError('proceed set to true but no proceedname provided') else: h5p = h5py.File(proceedname, 'r') msg = 'Loading chains and run information from previous MCMC' print(msg) statevars.prechains = [] statevars.prelog_probs = [] statevars.preaccepted = [] statevars.preburned = h5p['burned'][0] statevars.minafactor = h5p['crit'][0] statevars.maxarchange = h5p['crit'][1] statevars.mintz = h5p['crit'][2] statevars.maxgr = h5p['crit'][3] statevars.autosamples = list(h5p['autosample']) statevars.automin = list(h5p['automin']) statevars.automean = list(h5p['automean']) statevars.automax = list(h5p['automax']) for i in range(0,int((len(h5p.keys()) - 6)/3)): str_chain = str(i) + '_chain' str_log_prob = str(i) + '_log_prob' str_accepted = str(i) + '_accepted' statevars.prechains.append(h5p[str_chain]) statevars.prelog_probs.append(h5p[str_log_prob]) statevars.preaccepted.append(h5p[str_accepted]) # check if one or more likelihoods are GPs if isinstance(post.likelihood, radvel.likelihood.CompositeLikelihood): check_gp = [like for like in post.likelihood.like_list if isinstance(like, radvel.likelihood.GPLikelihood)] else: check_gp = isinstance(post.likelihood, radvel.likelihood.GPLikelihood) # np_info = np.__config__.blas_opt_info # if 'extra_link_args' in np_info.keys() \ # and check_gp \ # and ('-Wl,Accelerate' in np_info['extra_link_args']) \ # and serial == False: # print("WARNING: Parallel processing with Gaussian Processes will not work with your current" # + " numpy installation. See" # + " for more details. Running in serial with " + str(ensembles) + " ensembles.") # serial = True statevars.ensembles = ensembles statevars.nwalkers = nwalkers statevars.checkinterval = checkinterval - 1 nrun = int(nrun) # Get an initial array value pi = post.get_vary_params() statevars.ndim = pi.size if nwalkers < 2 * statevars.ndim: print("WARNING: Number of walkers is less than 2 times number of free parameters. " + "Adjusting number of walkers to {}".format(2 * statevars.ndim)) statevars.nwalkers = 2 * statevars.ndim if proceed: if len(h5p.keys()) != (3 * statevars.ensembles + 6) or h5p['0_chain'].shape[2] != statevars.ndim \ or h5p['0_chain'].shape[1] != statevars.nwalkers: raise ValueError('nensembles, nwalkers, and the number of ' + 'parameters must be equal to those from previous run.') # set up perturbation size pscales = [] names = post.name_vary_params() for i,par in enumerate(post.vary_params): val = post.vector.vector[par][0] if post.vector.vector[par][2] == 0: if names[i].startswith('per'): pscale = np.abs(val * 1e-5*np.log10(val)) elif names[i].startswith('logper'): pscale = np.abs(1e-5 * val) elif names[i].startswith('tc'): pscale = 0.1 elif val == 0: pscale = .00001 else: pscale = np.abs(0.10 * val) post.vector.vector[par][2] = pscale else: pscale = post.vector.vector[par][2] pscales.append(pscale) pscales = np.array(pscales) statevars.samplers = [] statevars.samples = [] statevars.initial_positions = [] for e in range(ensembles): pi = post.get_vary_params() p0 = np.vstack([pi]*statevars.nwalkers) p0 += [np.random.rand(statevars.ndim)*pscales for i in range(statevars.nwalkers)] if not proceed: statevars.initial_positions.append(p0) else: statevars.initial_positions.append(statevars.prechains[e][-1, :, :]) statevars.samplers.append(emcee.EnsembleSampler(statevars.nwalkers, statevars.ndim, post.logprob_array, threads=1)) if proceed: for i, sampler in enumerate(statevars.samplers): sampler.backend.grow(statevars.prechains[i].shape[0], None) sampler.backend.chain = statevars.prechains[i] sampler.backend.log_prob = statevars.prelog_probs[i] sampler.backend.accepted = statevars.preaccepted[i] sampler.backend.iteration = statevars.prechains[i].shape[0] num_run = int(np.round(nrun / (checkinterval -1))) statevars.totsteps = nrun*statevars.nwalkers*statevars.ensembles statevars.mixcount = 0 statevars.ismixed = 0 if proceed and statevars.preburned != 0: statevars.burn_complete = True statevars.nburn = statevars.preburned else: statevars.burn_complete = False statevars.nburn = 0 statevars.ncomplete = statevars.nburn statevars.pcomplete = 0 statevars.rate = 0 = 0 statevars.minAfactor = -1 statevars.maxArchange = np.inf statevars.mintz = -1 statevars.maxgr = np.inf statevars.t0 = time.time() for r in range(num_run): t1 = time.time() mcmc_input_array = [] for i, sampler in enumerate(statevars.samplers): if sampler.iteration <= 1 or statevars.proceed_started == 0: p1 = statevars.initial_positions[i] statevars.proceed_started = 1 else: p1 = sampler.get_last_sample() for sample in sampler.sample(p1, store=True): mcmc_input = (sampler, p1, (checkinterval - 1)) mcmc_input_array.append(mcmc_input) if serial: statevars.samplers = [] for i in range(ensembles): result = _domcmc(mcmc_input_array[i]) statevars.samplers.append(result) else: pool = mp.Pool(statevars.ensembles) statevars.samplers =, mcmc_input_array) pool.close() # terminates worker processes once all work is done pool.join() # waits for all processes to finish before proceeding t2 = time.time() statevars.interval = t2 - t1 convergence_check(minAfactor=minAfactor, maxArchange=maxArchange, maxGR=maxGR, minTz=minTz, minsteps=minsteps, minpercent=minpercent, headless=headless) if save: for i, sampler in enumerate(statevars.samplers): str_chain = str(i) + '_chain' str_log_prob = str(i) + '_log_prob' str_accepted = str(i) + '_accepted' if str_chain in h5f.keys(): del h5f[str_chain] if str_log_prob in h5f.keys(): del h5f[str_log_prob] if str_accepted in h5f.keys(): del h5f[str_accepted] if 'crit' in h5f.keys(): del h5f['crit'] if 'autosample' in h5f.keys(): del h5f['autosample'] if 'automin' in h5f.keys(): del h5f['automin'] if 'automean' in h5f.keys(): del h5f['automean'] if 'automax' in h5f.keys(): del h5f['automax'] if 'burned' in h5f.keys(): del h5f['burned'] h5f.create_dataset(str_chain, data=sampler.get_chain()) h5f.create_dataset(str_log_prob, data=sampler.get_log_prob()) h5f.create_dataset(str_accepted, data=sampler.backend.accepted) h5f.create_dataset('crit', data=[statevars.minafactor, statevars.maxarchange, statevars.mintz, statevars.maxgr]) h5f.create_dataset('autosample', data=statevars.autosamples) h5f.create_dataset('automin', data=statevars.automin) h5f.create_dataset('automean', data=statevars.automean) h5f.create_dataset('automax', data=statevars.automax) if statevars.burn_complete==True: h5f.create_dataset('burned', data=[statevars.nburn]) else: h5f.create_dataset('burned', data=[0]) # Burn-in complete after maximum G-R statistic first reaches burnGR or minAfactor reaches burnAfactor # reset samplers if not statevars.burn_complete and (statevars.maxgr <= burnGR or burnAfactor <= statevars.minafactor): for i, sampler in enumerate(statevars.samplers): statevars.initial_positions[i] = sampler.get_last_sample() sampler.reset() statevars.samplers[i] = sampler msg = ( "\nDiscarding burn-in now that the chains are marginally " "well-mixed\n" ) print(msg) statevars.nburn = statevars.ncomplete statevars.burn_complete = True if statevars.mixcount >= 2: tf = time.time() tdiff = tf - statevars.t0 tdiff,units = utils.time_print(tdiff) msg = ( "\nChains are well-mixed after {:d} steps! MCMC completed in " "{:3.1f} {:s}" ).format(statevars.ncomplete, tdiff, units) _closescr() print(msg) break print("\n") if statevars.ismixed and statevars.mixcount < 2: msg = ( "MCMC: WARNING: chains did not pass 2 consecutive convergence " "tests. They may be marginally well=mixed." ) _closescr() print(msg) elif not statevars.ismixed: msg = ( "MCMC: WARNING: chains did not pass convergence tests. They are " "likely not well-mixed." ) _closescr() print(msg) preshaped_chain = np.dstack(statevars.chains) df = pd.DataFrame( preshaped_chain.reshape(preshaped_chain.shape[0], preshaped_chain.shape[1]*preshaped_chain.shape[2]).transpose(), columns=post.name_vary_params()) preshaped_ln = np.hstack(statevars.lnprob) df['lnprobability'] = preshaped_ln.reshape(preshaped_chain.shape[1]*preshaped_chain.shape[2]) df = df.iloc[::thin] statevars.factor = [minAfactor] * len(statevars.autosamples) return df except KeyboardInterrupt: curses.endwin()
[docs]def convergence_calculate(chains, oldautocorrelation, minAfactor, maxArchange, minTz, maxGR): """Calculate Convergence Criterion Calculates the Gelman-Rubin statistic, autocorrelation time factor, relative change in autocorrellation time, and the number of independent draws for each parameter, as defined by Ford et al. (2006) ( The chain is considered well-mixed if all parameters have a Gelman-Rubin statistic of <= 1.03, the min autocorrelation time factor >= 75, a max relative change in autocorrelation time <= .01, and >= 1000 independent draws. Args: chains (array): A 3 dimensional array of parameter values oldautocorrelation (float): previously calculated autocorrelation time minAfactor (float): minimum autocorrelation time factor to consider well-mixed maxArchange (float): maximum relative change in autocorrelation time to consider well-mixed minTz (int): minimum Tz to consider well-mixed maxGR (float): maximum Gelman-Rubin statistic to consider well-mixed Returns: tuple: tuple containing: ismixed (bool): Are the chains well-mixed? afactor (array): A matrix containing the autocorrelation time factor for each parameter and ensemble combination archange (matrix): A matrix containing the relative change in the autocorrelation time factor for each parameter and ensemble combination autocorrelation (matrix): A matrix containing the autocorrelation time for each parameter and ensemble combination gelmanrubin (array): An NPARS element array containing the Gelman-Rubin statistic for each parameter (equation 25) Tz (array): An NPARS element array containing the number of independent draws for each parameter (equation 26) History: 2010/03/01: Written: Jason Eastman - The Ohio State University 2012/10/08: Ported to Python by BJ Fulton - University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy 2016/04/20: Adapted for use in RadVel. Removed "angular" parameter. 2019/10/24: Adapted to calculate and consider autocorrelation times """ gr_chains = chains.copy() for i in range(0,len(chains)): gr_chains[i] = gr_chains[i].reshape(gr_chains[i].shape[0], gr_chains[i].shape[1]*gr_chains[i].shape[2]) pars = np.dstack(gr_chains) sz = pars.shape msg = 'MCMC: GELMAN_RUBIN: ERROR: pars must have 3 dimensions' assert pars.ndim == 3, msg npars = float(sz[0]) nsteps = float(sz[1]) nchains = float(sz[2]) msg = 'MCMC: GELMAN_RUBIN: ERROR: NSTEPS must be greater than 1' assert nsteps > 1, msg # Equation 21: W(z) in Ford 2006 variances = np.var(pars,axis=1, dtype=np.float64) meanofvariances = np.mean(variances,axis=1) withinChainVariances = np.mean(variances, axis=1) # Equation 23: B(z) in Ford 2006 means = np.mean(pars,axis=1) betweenChainVariances = np.var(means,axis=1, dtype=np.float64) * nsteps varianceofmeans = np.var(means,axis=1, dtype=np.float64) / (nchains-1) varEstimate = ( (1.0 - 1.0/nsteps) * withinChainVariances + 1.0 / nsteps * betweenChainVariances ) bz = varianceofmeans * nsteps # Equation 24: varhat+(z) in Ford 2006 varz = (nsteps-1.0)/bz + varianceofmeans # Equation 25: Rhat(z) in Ford 2006 gelmanrubin = np.sqrt(varEstimate/withinChainVariances) # Equation 26: T(z) in Ford 2006 vbz = varEstimate / bz tz = nchains*nsteps*vbz[vbz < 1] if tz.size == 0: tz = [-1] chains = np.dstack(chains) chains = np.swapaxes(chains, 0, 2) autocorrelation = emcee.autocorr.integrated_time(chains, tol = 0) afactor = np.divide(chains.shape[0], autocorrelation) archange = np.divide(np.abs(np.subtract(autocorrelation, oldautocorrelation)), oldautocorrelation) # well-mixed criteria ismixed = min(tz) > minTz and max(gelmanrubin) < maxGR and \ np.amin(afactor) > minAfactor and np.amax(archange) < maxArchange return (ismixed, afactor, archange, autocorrelation, gelmanrubin, tz)