Source code for radvel.plot.mcmc_plots

import numpy as np
import corner
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
from matplotlib import pyplot as pl
from matplotlib import rcParams

from radvel import plot

Module for plotting results of MCMC analysis, including:
    - trend plot
    - autocorrelation plot
    - corner plot of fitted parameters
    - corner plot of derived parameters

[docs]class TrendPlot(object): """ Class to handle the creation of a trend plot to show the evolution of the MCMC as a function of step number. Args: post (radvel.Posterior): Radvel Posterior object chains (DataFrame): MCMC chains output by radvel.mcmc nwalkers (int): number of walkers used in this particular MCMC run outfile (string [optional]): name of output multi-page PDF file """ def __init__(self, post, chains, nwalkers, nensembles, outfile=None): self.chains = chains self.outfile = outfile self.nwalkers = nwalkers self.nensembles = nensembles self.labels = sorted([k for k in post.params.keys() if post.params[k].vary]) self.texlabels = [post.params.tex_labels().get(l, l) for l in self.labels] self.colors = [plot.cmap(x) for x in np.linspace(0.05, 0.95, nwalkers)]
[docs] def plot(self): """ Make and save the trend plot as PDF """ with PdfPages(self.outfile) as pdf: for param, tex in zip(self.labels, self.texlabels): flatchain = self.chains[param].values wchain = flatchain.reshape((self.nwalkers, self.nensembles, -1)) _ = pl.figure(figsize=(18, 10)) for w in range(self.nwalkers): for e in range(self.nensembles): pl.plot( wchain[w][e], '.', rasterized=True, color=self.colors[w], markersize=4 ) pl.xlim(0, wchain.shape[2]) pl.xlabel('Step Number') try: pl.ylabel(tex) except ValueError: pl.ylabel(param) ax = pl.gca() ax.set_rasterized(True) pdf.savefig() pl.close() print("Trend plot saved to %s" % self.outfile)
[docs]class AutoPlot(object): """ Class to handle the creation of an autocorrelation time plot from output autocorrelation times. Args: auto (DataFrame): Autocorrelation times output by radvel.mcmc saveplot (str, optional): Name of output file, will show as interactive matplotlib window if not defined. """ def __init__(self, auto, saveplot=None): = auto self.saveplot = saveplot
[docs] def plot(self): """ Make and either save or display the autocorrelation plot """ fig = pl.figure(figsize=(6, 4)) pl.scatter(['autosamples'],['automin'], color = 'blue', label='Minimum Autocorrelation Time') pl.scatter(['autosamples'],['automean'], color = 'black', label='Mean Autocorrelation Time') pl.scatter(['autosamples'],['automax'], color = 'red', label='Maximum Autocorrelation Time') pl.plot(['autosamples'],['autosamples']/['factor'][0], linestyle=':', color='gray', label='Autocorrelation Factor Criterion (N/{})'.format(['factor'][0])) pl.xlim(['autosamples'].min(),['autosamples'].max()) if (['autosamples']/['factor']).max() >['automax'].max(): pl.ylim(['automin'].min(), (['autosamples']/['factor']).max()) else: pl.ylim(['automin'].min(),['automax'].max()) pl.xlabel('Steps per Parameter') pl.ylabel('Autocorrelation Time') pl.legend() fig.tight_layout() if self.saveplot is not None: fig.savefig(self.saveplot, dpi=150) print("Auto plot saved to %s" % self.saveplot) else:
[docs]class CornerPlot(object): """ Class to handle the creation of a corner plot from output MCMC chains and a posterior object. Args: post (radvel.Posterior): radvel posterior object chains (DataFrame): MCMC chains output by radvel.mcmc saveplot (str, optional): Name of output file, will show as interactive matplotlib window if not defined. """ def __init__(self, post, chains, saveplot=None): = post self.chains = chains self.saveplot = saveplot self.labels = [k for k in post.params.keys() if post.params[k].vary] self.texlabels = [post.params.tex_labels().get(l, l) for l in self.labels]
[docs] def plot(self): """ Make and either save or display the corner plot """ f = rcParams['font.size'] rcParams['font.size'] = 12 _ = corner.corner( self.chains[self.labels], labels=self.texlabels, label_kwargs={"fontsize": 14}, plot_datapoints=False, bins=30, quantiles=[0.16, 0.5, 0.84], show_titles=True, title_kwargs={"fontsize": 14}, smooth=True ) if self.saveplot is not None: pl.savefig(self.saveplot, dpi=150) print("Corner plot saved to %s" % self.saveplot) else: rcParams['font.size'] = f
[docs]class DerivedPlot(object): """ Class to handle the creation of a corner plot of derived parameters from output MCMC chains and a posterior object. Args: chains (DataFrame): MCMC chains output by radvel.mcmc P: object representation of config file saveplot (Optional[string]: Name of output file, will show as interactive matplotlib window if not defined. """ def __init__(self, chains, P, saveplot=None): self.chains = chains self.saveplot = saveplot if 'planet_letters' in dir(P): planet_letters = P.planet_letters else: planet_letters = {1: 'b', 2: 'c', 3: 'd', 4: 'e', 5: 'f', 6: 'g', 7: 'h', 8: 'i', 9: 'j', 10: 'k'} # Determine which columns to include in corner plot self.labels = [] self.texlabels = [] self.units = [] for i in np.arange(1, P.nplanets + 1, 1): letter = planet_letters[i] for key in 'mpsini rhop a'.split(): label = '{}{}'.format(key, i) is_column = list(self.chains.columns).count(label) == 1 if not is_column: continue null_column = self.chains.isnull().any().loc[label] if null_column: continue tl = texlabel(label, letter) # add units to label if key == 'mpsini': unit = "M$_{\\oplus}$" if np.median(self.chains[label]) > 100: unit = "M$_{\\rm Jup}$" self.chains[label] *= 0.00315 if np.median(self.chains[label]) > 100: unit = "M$_{\\odot}$" self.chains[label] *= 0.000954265748 elif key == 'rhop': unit = " g cm$^{-3}$" elif key == 'a': unit = " AU" else: unit = " " self.units.append(unit) self.labels.append(label) self.texlabels.append(tl)
[docs] def plot(self): """ Make and either save or display the corner plot """ f = rcParams['font.size'] rcParams['font.size'] = 12 plot_labels = [] for t, u in zip(self.texlabels, self.units): label = '{} [{}]'.format(t, u) plot_labels.append(label) _ = corner.corner( self.chains[self.labels], labels=plot_labels, label_kwargs={"fontsize": 14}, plot_datapoints=False, bins=30, quantiles=[0.16, 0.50, 0.84], show_titles=True, title_kwargs={"fontsize": 14}, smooth=True ) if self.saveplot is not None: pl.savefig(self.saveplot, dpi=150) print("Derived plot saved to %s" % self.saveplot) else: rcParams['font.size'] = f
[docs]def texlabel(key, letter): """ Args: key (list of string): list of parameter strings letter (string): planet letter Returns: string: LaTeX label for parameter string """ if key.count('mpsini') == 1: return '$M_' + letter + '\\sin i$' if key.count('rhop') == 1: return '$\\rho_' + letter + '$' if key.count('a') == 1: return "$a_" + letter + "$"