Source code for radvel.driver

Driver functions for the radvel pipeline.\
These functions are meant to be used only with\
the `` command line interface.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import copy
from collections import OrderedDict
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
    import ConfigParser as configparser
    import configparser
import pandas as pd

import numpy as np 

import radvel

[docs]def plots(args): """ Generate plots Args: args (ArgumentParser): command line arguments """ config_file = args.setupfn conf_base = os.path.basename(config_file).split('.')[0] statfile = os.path.join( args.outputdir,"{}_radvel.stat".format(conf_base) ) status = load_status(statfile) assert status.getboolean('fit', 'run'), \ "Must perform max-liklihood fit before plotting" post = radvel.posterior.load(status.get('fit', 'postfile')) for ptype in args.type: print("Creating {} plot for {}".format(ptype, conf_base)) if ptype == 'rv': args.plotkw['uparams'] = post.uparams saveto = os.path.join( args.outputdir,conf_base+'_rv_multipanel.pdf' ) P,_ = radvel.utils.initialize_posterior(config_file) if hasattr(P, 'bjd0'): args.plotkw['epoch'] = P.bjd0 radvel.plotting.rv_multipanel_plot( post, saveplot=saveto, **args.plotkw ) if ptype == 'corner' or ptype == 'trend': assert status.getboolean('mcmc', 'run'), \ "Must run MCMC before making corner or trend plots" chains = pd.read_csv(status.get('mcmc', 'chainfile')) if ptype == 'corner': saveto = os.path.join(args.outputdir, conf_base+'_corner.pdf') radvel.plotting.corner_plot(post, chains, saveplot=saveto) if ptype == 'trend': nwalkers = status.getint('mcmc', 'nwalkers') saveto = os.path.join(args.outputdir, conf_base+'_trends.pdf') radvel.plotting.trend_plot(post, chains, nwalkers, saveto) if ptype == 'derived': assert status.has_section('derive'), \ "Must run `radvel derive` before plotting derived parameters" P,_ = radvel.utils.initialize_posterior(config_file) chains = pd.read_csv(status.get('derive', 'chainfile')) saveto = os.path.join( args.outputdir,conf_base+'_corner_derived_pars.pdf' ) radvel.plotting.corner_plot_derived_pars( chains, P, saveplot=saveto ) savestate = {'{}_plot'.format(ptype): os.path.abspath(saveto)} save_status(statfile, 'plot', savestate)
[docs]def fit(args): """Perform maximum-likelihood fit Args: args (ArgumentParser): command line arguments """ config_file = args.setupfn conf_base = os.path.basename(config_file).split('.')[0] print("Performing max-likelihood fitting for {}".format(conf_base)) P, post = radvel.utils.initialize_posterior(config_file, decorr=args.decorr) post = radvel.fitting.maxlike_fitting(post, verbose=True) postfile = os.path.join(args.outputdir, '{}_post_obj.pkl'.format(conf_base)) post.writeto(postfile) savestate = {'run': True, 'postfile': os.path.abspath(postfile)} save_status(os.path.join(args.outputdir, '{}_radvel.stat'.format(conf_base)), 'fit', savestate)
[docs]def mcmc(args): """Perform MCMC error analysis Args: args (ArgumentParser): command line arguments """ config_file = args.setupfn conf_base = os.path.basename(config_file).split('.')[0] statfile = os.path.join(args.outputdir, "{}_radvel.stat".format(conf_base)) status = load_status(statfile) if status.getboolean('fit', 'run'): print("Loading starting positions from previous max-likelihood fit") post = radvel.posterior.load(status.get('fit', 'postfile')) else: P, post = radvel.utils.initialize_posterior(config_file, decorr=args.decorr) msg = "Running MCMC for {}, N_walkers = {}, N_steps = {}, N_ensembles = {}, Max G-R = {}, Min Tz = {} ..."\ .format(conf_base, args.nwalkers, args.nsteps, args.ensembles, args.maxGR, args.minTz) print(msg) chains = radvel.mcmc( post, nwalkers=args.nwalkers, nrun=args.nsteps, ensembles=args.ensembles, burnGR=args.burnGR, maxGR=args.maxGR, minTz=args.minTz, minsteps=args.minsteps) # Convert chains into synth basis synthchains = chains.copy() for par in post.params.keys(): if not post.params[par].vary: synthchains[par] = post.params[par].value synthchains = post.params.basis.to_synth(synthchains) synth_quantile = synthchains.quantile([0.159, 0.5, 0.841]) # Get quantiles and update posterior object to median # values returned by MCMC chains post_summary=chains.quantile([0.159, 0.5, 0.841]) for k in chains.keys(): if k in post.params.keys(): post.params[k].value = post_summary[k][0.5] print("Performing post-MCMC maximum likelihood fit...") post = radvel.fitting.maxlike_fitting(post, verbose=False) synthpost = copy.deepcopy(post) synthparams = post.params.basis.to_synth(post.params) synthpost.params.update(synthparams) print("Calculating uncertainties...") synthpost.uparams = {} synthpost.medparams = {} synthpost.maxparams = {} for par in synthpost.params.keys(): maxlike = synthpost.params[par].value med = synth_quantile[par][0.5] high = synth_quantile[par][0.841] - med low = med - synth_quantile[par][0.159] err = np.mean([high,low]) err = radvel.utils.round_sig(err) if err > 0.0: med, err, errhigh = radvel.utils.sigfig(med, err) maxlike, err, errhigh = radvel.utils.sigfig(maxlike, err) synthpost.uparams[par] = err synthpost.medparams[par] = med synthpost.maxparams[par] = maxlike print("Final loglikelihood = %f" % post.logprob()) print("Final RMS = %f" % post.likelihood.residuals().std()) print("Best-fit parameters:") print(synthpost) print("Saving output files...") saveto = os.path.join(args.outputdir, conf_base+'_post_summary.csv') post_summary.to_csv(saveto, sep=',') postfile = os.path.join(args.outputdir, '{}_post_obj.pkl'.format(conf_base)) synthpost.writeto(postfile) csvfn = os.path.join(args.outputdir, conf_base+'_chains.csv.tar.bz2') chains.to_csv(csvfn, compression='bz2') savestate = {'run': True, 'postfile': os.path.abspath(postfile), 'chainfile': os.path.abspath(csvfn), 'summaryfile': os.path.abspath(saveto), 'nwalkers': args.nwalkers, 'nsteps': args.nsteps} save_status(statfile, 'mcmc', savestate)
[docs]def bic(args): """Compare different models and comparative statistics Args: args (ArgumentParser): command line arguments """ config_file = args.setupfn conf_base = os.path.basename(config_file).split('.')[0] statfile = os.path.join(args.outputdir, "{}_radvel.stat".format(conf_base)) status = load_status(statfile) savestate = {} assert status.getboolean('fit', 'run'), \ "Must perform max-liklihood fit before running BIC comparisons" post = radvel.posterior.load(status.get('fit', 'postfile')) for btype in args.type: print("Performing bic comparison: {}".format(btype)) if btype == 'nplanets': statsdict = radvel.fitting.model_comp(post, verbose=False) savestate['nplanets'] = statsdict save_status(statfile, 'bic', savestate)
[docs]def tables(args): """Generate TeX code for tables in summary report Args: args (ArgumentParser): command line arguments """ config_file = args.setupfn conf_base = os.path.basename(config_file).split('.')[0] statfile = os.path.join(args.outputdir, "{}_radvel.stat".format(conf_base)) status = load_status(statfile) assert status.getboolean('mcmc', 'run'), \ "Must run MCMC before making tables" P, post = radvel.utils.initialize_posterior(config_file) post = radvel.posterior.load(status.get('fit', 'postfile')) chains = pd.read_csv(status.get('mcmc', 'chainfile')) report =, post, chains) for tabtype in args.type: print("Generating LaTeX code for {} table".format(tabtype)) if tabtype == 'params': tex = report.tabletex(tabtype=tabtype) if tabtype == 'priors': tex = report.tabletex(tabtype=tabtype) if tabtype == 'nplanets': assert status.has_option('bic', 'nplanets'), \ "Must run BIC comparison before making comparison tables" compstats = eval(status.get('bic', 'nplanets')) report = P, post, chains, compstats=compstats ) tex = report.tabletex(tabtype='nplanets') saveto = os.path.join( args.outputdir, '{}_{}_.tex'.format(conf_base,tabtype) ) with open(saveto, 'w') as f: print(tex, file=f) savestate = {'{}_tex'.format(tabtype): os.path.abspath(saveto)} save_status(statfile, 'table', savestate)
[docs]def derive(args): """Derive physical parameters from posterior samples Args: args (ArgumentParser): command line arguments """ config_file = args.setupfn conf_base = os.path.basename(config_file).split('.')[0] statfile = os.path.join(args.outputdir, "{}_radvel.stat".format(conf_base)) status = load_status(statfile) msg = "Multiplying mcmc chains by physical parameters for {}".format( conf_base ) print(msg) assert status.getboolean('mcmc', 'run'), \ "Must run MCMC before making tables" P, post = radvel.utils.initialize_posterior(config_file) post = radvel.posterior.load(status.get('fit', 'postfile')) chains = pd.read_csv(status.get('mcmc', 'chainfile')) mstar = np.random.normal( loc=P.stellar['mstar'], scale=P.stellar['mstar_err'], size=len(chains) ) # Convert chains into synth basis synthchains = chains.copy() for par in post.params.keys(): if not post.params[par].vary: synthchains[par] = post.params[par].value synthchains = post.params.basis.to_synth(synthchains) savestate = {'run': True} outcols = [] for i in np.arange(1, P.nplanets +1, 1): # Grab parameters from the chain def _has_col(key): cols = list(synthchains.columns) return cols.count('{}{}'.format(key,i))==1 def _get_param(key): if _has_col(key): return synthchains['{}{}'.format(key,i)] else: return P.params['{}{}'.format(key,i)].value def _set_param(key, value): chains['{}{}'.format(key,i)] = value def _get_colname(key): return '{}{}'.format(key,i) per = _get_param('per') k = _get_param('k') e = _get_param('e') mpsini = radvel.utils.Msini(k, per, mstar, e, Msini_units='earth') _set_param('mpsini',mpsini) outcols.append(_get_colname('mpsini')) try: rp = np.random.normal( loc=P.planet['rp{}'.format(i)], scale=P.planet['rp_err{}'.format(i)], size=len(chains) ) _set_param('rp',rp) _set_param('rhop', radvel.utils.density(mpsini, rp)) outcols.append(_get_colname('rhop')) except (AttributeError, KeyError): pass print("Derived parameters:", outcols) csvfn = os.path.join(args.outputdir, conf_base+'_derived.csv.tar.bz2') chains.to_csv(csvfn, columns=outcols, compression='bz2') savestate['chainfile'] = os.path.abspath(csvfn) save_status(statfile, 'derive', savestate)
[docs]def report(args): """Generate summary report Args: args (ArgumentParser): command line arguments """ config_file = args.setupfn conf_base = os.path.basename(config_file).split('.')[0] print("Assembling report for {}".format(conf_base)) statfile = os.path.join(args.outputdir, "{}_radvel.stat".format(conf_base)) status = load_status(statfile) P, post = radvel.utils.initialize_posterior(config_file) post = radvel.posterior.load(status.get('fit', 'postfile')) chains = pd.read_csv(status.get('mcmc', 'chainfile')) try: compstats = eval(status.get('bic', args.comptype)) except: print("WARNING: Could not find {} BIC model comparison\ in {}.\nPlease make sure that you have run `radvel bic -t {}` if you would\ like to include\nthe model comparison table in the report.".format(args.comptype, statfile, args.comptype)) compstats = None report =, post, chains, compstats=compstats) report.runname = conf_base report_depfiles = [] for ptype,pfile in status.items('plot'): report_depfiles.append(pfile) with radvel.utils.working_directory(args.outputdir): rfile = os.path.join(conf_base+"_results.pdf") report_depfiles = [os.path.basename(p) for p in report_depfiles] report.compile( rfile, depfiles=report_depfiles, latex_compiler=args.latex_compiler )
[docs]def save_status(statfile, section, statevars): """Save pipeline status Args: statfile (string): name of output file section (string): name of section to write statevars (dict): dictionary of all options to populate the specified section """ config = configparser.RawConfigParser() if os.path.isfile(statfile): if not config.has_section(section): config.add_section(section) for key,val in statevars.items(): config.set(section, key, val) with open(statfile, 'w') as f: config.write(f)
[docs]def load_status(statfile): """Load pipeline status Args: statfile (string): name of configparser file Returns: configparser.RawConfigParser """ config = configparser.RawConfigParser() gl = return config