Source code for radvel.mcmc

import sys
import time
import copy

from multiprocessing import Pool

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

import emcee

from radvel import utils

class StateVars(object):
    def __init__(self):

statevars = StateVars()

def _status_message(statevars):
    msg = (
        "{:d}/{:d} ({:3.1f}%) steps complete; "
        "Running {:.2f} steps/s; Mean acceptance rate = {:3.1f}%; "
        "Min Tz = {:.1f}; Max G-R = {:4.2f}      \r"
    ).format(statevars.ncomplete, statevars.totsteps, statevars.pcomplete,
                 statevars.rate,, statevars.mintz, statevars.maxgr)


[docs]def convergence_check(samplers, maxGR, minTz, minsteps): """Check for convergence Check for convergence for a list of emcee samplers Args: samplers (list): List of emcee sampler objects maxGR (float): Maximum G-R statistic for chains to be deemed well-mixed and halt the MCMC run minTz (int): Minimum Tz to consider well-mixed minsteps (int): Minimum number of steps per walker before convergence tests are performed """ = 0 statevars.ncomplete = statevars.nburn statevars.tchains = np.empty((statevars.ndim, statevars.samplers[0].flatlnprobability.shape[0], statevars.ensembles)) statevars.lnprob = [] for i,sampler in enumerate(statevars.samplers): statevars.ncomplete += sampler.flatlnprobability.shape[0] += sampler.acceptance_fraction.mean() * 100 statevars.tchains[:,:,i] = sampler.flatchain.transpose() statevars.lnprob.append(sampler.flatlnprobability) /= statevars.ensembles statevars.pcomplete = statevars.ncomplete/float(statevars.totsteps) * 100 statevars.rate = (statevars.checkinterval*statevars.nwalkers*statevars.ensembles) / statevars.interval if statevars.ensembles < 3: # if less than 3 ensembles then GR between ensembles does # not work so just calculate is on the last sampler statevars.tchains = sampler.chain.transpose() # Must have compelted at least 5% or 1000 steps per walker before # attempting to calculate GR if statevars.pcomplete < 5 and sampler.flatlnprobability.shape[0] <= minsteps*statevars.nwalkers: (statevars.ismixed, statevars.maxgr, statevars.mintz) = 0, np.inf, -1 else: (statevars.ismixed, gr, tz) = gelman_rubin(statevars.tchains, maxGR=maxGR, minTz=minTz) statevars.mintz = min(tz) statevars.maxgr = max(gr) if statevars.ismixed: statevars.mixcount += 1 else: statevars.mixcount = 0 _status_message(statevars)
def _domcmc(input_tuple): # Function to be run in parallel on different CPUs # # Input is a tuple: first element is an emcee sampler object, second is an array of # initial positions, third is number of steps to run before doing a convergence check sampler = input_tuple[0] ipos = input_tuple[1] check_interval = input_tuple[2] sampler.run_mcmc(ipos, check_interval) return sampler
[docs]def mcmc(post, nwalkers=50, nrun=10000, ensembles=8, checkinterval=50, burnGR=1.03, maxGR=1.01, minTz=1000, minsteps=1000): """Run MCMC Run MCMC chains using the emcee EnsambleSampler Args: post (radvel.posterior): radvel posterior object nwalkers (int): (optional) number of MCMC walkers nrun (int): (optional) number of steps to take ensembles (int): (optional) number of ensembles to run. Will be run in parallel on separate CPUs checkinterval (int): (optional) check MCMC convergence statistics every `checkinterval` steps burnGR (float): (optional) Maximum G-R statistic to stop burn-in period maxGR (float): (optional) Maximum G-R statistic for chains to be deemed well-mixed and halt the MCMC run minTz (int): (optional) Minimum Tz to consider well-mixed minsteps (int): (optional) Minimum number of steps per walker before convergence tests are performed Returns: DataFrame: DataFrame containing the MCMC samples """ statevars.ensembles = ensembles statevars.nwalkers = nwalkers statevars.checkinterval = checkinterval nrun = int(nrun) # Get an initial array value pi = post.get_vary_params() statevars.ndim = pi.size if nwalkers < 2*statevars.ndim: print("WARNING: Number of walkers is less than 2 times number \ of free parameters. Adjusting number of walkers to {}".format(2*statevars.ndim)) statevars.nwalkers = 2*statevars.ndim # set up perturbation size pscales = [] for par in post.list_vary_params(): val = post.params[par].value if post.params[par].mcmcscale is None: if par.startswith('per'): pscale = np.abs(val * 1e-5*np.log10(val)) # pscale_per = pscale elif par.startswith('logper'): pscale = np.abs(1e-5 * val) # pscale_per = pscale elif par.startswith('tc'): pscale = 0.1 else: pscale = np.abs(0.10 * val) post.params[par].mcmc_scale = pscale else: pscale = post.params[par].mcmcscale pscales.append(pscale) pscales = np.array(pscales) statevars.samplers = [] statevars.initial_positions = [] for e in range(ensembles): lcopy = copy.deepcopy(post) pi = lcopy.get_vary_params() p0 = np.vstack([pi]*statevars.nwalkers) p0 += [np.random.rand(statevars.ndim)*pscales for i in range(statevars.nwalkers)] statevars.initial_positions.append(p0) statevars.samplers.append(emcee.EnsembleSampler( statevars.nwalkers, statevars.ndim, lcopy.logprob_array, threads=1)) num_run = int(np.round(nrun / checkinterval)) statevars.totsteps = nrun*statevars.nwalkers*statevars.ensembles statevars.mixcount = 0 statevars.ismixed = 0 statevars.burn_complete = False statevars.nburn = 0 statevars.ncomplete = statevars.nburn statevars.pcomplete = 0 statevars.rate = 0 = 0 statevars.mintz = -1 statevars.maxgr = np.inf statevars.t0 = time.time() for r in range(num_run): t1 = time.time() mcmc_input_array = [] for i, sampler in enumerate(statevars.samplers): if sampler.flatlnprobability.shape[0] == 0: p1 = statevars.initial_positions[i] else: p1 = None mcmc_input = (sampler, p1, checkinterval) mcmc_input_array.append(mcmc_input) pool = Pool(statevars.ensembles) statevars.samplers =, mcmc_input_array) pool.close() # terminates worker processes once all work is done pool.join() # waits for all processes to finish before proceeding t2 = time.time() statevars.interval = t2 - t1 convergence_check(statevars.samplers, maxGR=maxGR, minTz=minTz, minsteps=minsteps) # Burn-in complete after maximum G-R statistic first reaches burnGR # reset samplers if not statevars.burn_complete and statevars.maxgr <= burnGR: for i, sampler in enumerate(statevars.samplers): statevars.initial_positions[i] = sampler._last_run_mcmc_result[0] sampler.reset() statevars.samplers[i] = sampler msg = ( "\nDiscarding burn-in now that the chains are marginally " "well-mixed\n" ) print(msg) statevars.nburn = statevars.ncomplete statevars.burn_complete = True if statevars.mixcount >= 5: tf = time.time() tdiff = tf - statevars.t0 tdiff,units = utils.time_print(tdiff) msg = ( "\nChains are well-mixed after {:d} steps! MCMC completed in " "{:3.1f} {:s}" ).format(statevars.ncomplete, tdiff, units) print(msg) break print("\n") if statevars.ismixed and statevars.mixcount < 5: msg = ( "MCMC: WARNING: chains did not pass 5 consecutive convergence " "tests. They may be marginally well=mixed." ) print(msg) elif not statevars.ismixed: msg = ( "MCMC: WARNING: chains did not pass convergence tests. They are " "likely not well-mixed." ) print(msg) df = pd.DataFrame( statevars.tchains.reshape(statevars.ndim,statevars.tchains.shape[1]*statevars.tchains.shape[2]).transpose(), columns=post.list_vary_params()) df['lnprobability'] = np.hstack(statevars.lnprob) return df
[docs]def draw_models_from_chain(mod, chain, t, nsamples=50): """Draw Models from Chain Given an MCMC chain of parameters, draw representative parameters and synthesize models. Args: mod (radvel.RVmodel) : RV model chain (DataFrame): pandas DataFrame with different values from MCMC chain t (array): time range over which to synthesize models nsamples (int): number of draws Returns: array: 2D array with the different models as different rows """ np.random.seed(0) chain_samples = chain.ix[np.random.choice(chain.index, nsamples)] models = [] for i in chain_samples.index: params = np.array( chain.ix[i, mod.vary_parameters] ) params = mod.array_to_params(params) models += [mod.model(params, t)] models = np.vstack(models) return models
[docs]def gelman_rubin(pars0, minTz, maxGR): """Gelman-Rubin Statistic Calculates the Gelman-Rubin statistic and the number of independent draws for each parameter, as defined by Ford et al. (2006) ( The chain is considered well-mixed if all parameters have a Gelman-Rubin statistic of <= 1.03 and >= 1000 independent draws. History: 2010/03/01 - Written: Jason Eastman - The Ohio State University 2012/10/08 - Ported to Python by BJ Fulton - University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy 2016/04/20 - Adapted for use in radvel. Removed "angular" parameter. Args: pars0 (array): A 3 dimensional array (NPARS,NSTEPS,NCHAINS) of parameter values minTz (int): minimum Tz to consider well-mixed maxGR (float): maximum Gelman-Rubin statistic to consider well-mixed Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: ismixed (bool): Are the chains well-mixed? gelmanrubin (array): An NPARS element array containing the Gelman-Rubin statistic for each parameter (equation 25) Tz (array): An NPARS element array containing the number of independent draws for each parameter (equation 26) """ pars = pars0.copy() # don't modify input parameters sz = pars.shape msg = 'MCMC: GELMAN_RUBIN: ERROR: pars must have 3 dimensions' assert pars.ndim == 3, msg npars = float(sz[0]) nsteps = float(sz[1]) nchains = float(sz[2]) msg = 'MCMC: GELMAN_RUBIN: ERROR: NSTEPS must be greater than 1' assert nsteps > 1, msg # Equation 21: W(z) in Ford 2006 variances = np.var(pars,axis=1, dtype=np.float64) meanofvariances = np.mean(variances,axis=1) withinChainVariances = np.mean(variances, axis=1) # Equation 23: B(z) in Ford 2006 means = np.mean(pars,axis=1) betweenChainVariances = np.var(means,axis=1, dtype=np.float64) * nsteps varianceofmeans = np.var(means,axis=1, dtype=np.float64) / (nchains-1) varEstimate = ( (1.0 - 1.0/nsteps) * withinChainVariances + 1.0 / nsteps * betweenChainVariances ) bz = varianceofmeans * nsteps # Equation 24: varhat+(z) in Ford 2006 varz = (nsteps-1.0)/bz + varianceofmeans # Equation 25: Rhat(z) in Ford 2006 gelmanrubin = np.sqrt(varEstimate/withinChainVariances) # Equation 26: T(z) in Ford 2006 vbz = varEstimate / bz tz = nchains*nsteps*vbz[vbz < 1] if tz.size == 0: tz = [-1] # well-mixed criteria ismixed = min(tz) > minTz and max(gelmanrubin) < maxGR return (ismixed, gelmanrubin, tz)