Source code for radvel.plotting

import string
import copy
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
import matplotlib
from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredText
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from matplotlib.ticker import NullFormatter, MaxNLocator
from matplotlib import rcParams, gridspec
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
from astropy.time import Time
import corner

import radvel
from radvel.utils import t_to_phase, fastbin

latex = {
    'ms': 'm s$^{\mathregular{-1}}$',
    'BJDTDB': 'BJD$_{\mathregular{TDB}}$'

telfmts_default = {
    'j': dict(color='k', fmt='o', mfc='none', label='HIRES', mew=1),
    'k': dict(color='k', fmt='s', mfc='none', label='HIRES pre 2004', mew=1),
    'a': dict(color='g', fmt='d', label='APF'),
    'pfs': dict(color='magenta', fmt='p', label='PFS'),
    'h': dict(color='firebrick', fmt="s", label='HARPS'),
    'harps-n': dict(color='firebrick', fmt='^', label='HARPS-N'),
    'l': dict(color='g', fmt='*'),

telfmts_default['lick'] = telfmts_default['l']
telfmts_default['hires_rj'] = telfmts_default['j']
telfmts_default['hires'] = telfmts_default['j']
telfmts_default['hires_rk'] = telfmts_default['k']
telfmts_default['apf'] = telfmts_default['a']
telfmts_default['harps'] = telfmts_default['h']

cmap =
rcParams['font.size'] = 9
rcParams['lines.markersize'] = 5
rcParams['axes.grid'] = False

def _mtelplot(x, y, e, tel, ax, telfmts={}):
    """Plot data from from multiple telescopes

    x (array): Either time or phase
    y (array): RV
    e (array): RV error
    tel (array): telecsope string key
     telfmts (dict): dictionary of dictionaries corresponding to kwargs 
        passed to errorbar. Example:

        telfmts = {
             'hires': dict(fmt='o',label='HIRES',msize=),
             'harps-n' dict(fmt='s',)}
    lw = 1.0

    default_colors = ['orange', 'purple', 'magenta', 'pink']
    ci = 0
    utel = np.unique(tel)
    for t in utel:
        xt = x[tel == t]
        yt = y[tel == t]
        et = e[tel == t]

        # Default formatting
        kw = dict(
            fmt='o', capsize=0, mew=0, 
            ecolor='0.6', lw=lw, color=default_colors[ci],

        # If not explicit format set, look among default formats
        telfmt = {}
        if t not in telfmts and t in telfmts_default:
            telfmt = telfmts_default[t]
        if t in telfmts:
            telfmt = telfmts[t]
        if t not in telfmts and t not in telfmts_default:
            ci += 1
        for k in telfmt:
            kw[k] = telfmt[k]
        pl.errorbar(xt, yt, yerr=et, **kw)


[docs]def rv_multipanel_plot(post, saveplot=None, telfmts={}, nobin=False, yscale_auto=False, yscale_sigma=3.0, nophase=False, epoch=2450000, uparams=None, phase_ncols=None, phase_nrows=None, legend=True, rv_phase_space=0.08): """Multi-panel RV plot to display model using post.params orbital parameters. Args: post (radvel.Posterior): Radvel posterior object. The model plotted will be generated from post.params saveplot (string, optional): Name of output file, will show as interactive matplotlib window if not defined. nobin (bool, optional): If True do not show binned data on phase plots. Will default to True if total number of measurements is less then 20. yscale_auto (bool, optional): Use matplotlib auto y-axis scaling (default: False) yscale_sigma (float, optional): Scale y-axis limits to be +/- yscale_sigma*(RMS of data plotted) if yscale_auto==False telfmts (dict, optional): dictionary of dictionaries mapping instrument code to plotting format code. nophase (bool, optional): Will omit phase-folded plots if true epoch (float, optional): Subtract this value from the time axis for more compact axis labels (default: 245000) uparams (dict, optional): parameter uncertainties, must contain 'per', 'k', and 'e' keys. phase_ncols (int, optional): number of columns in the phase folded plots. Default behavior is 1. phase_nrows (int, optional): number of columns in the phase folded plots. Default is nplanets. legend (bool, optional): include legend on plot? (default: True) rv_phase_space (float, optional): verticle space between rv plot and phase-folded plots (in units of fraction of figure height) Returns: figure: current matplotlib figure object list: list of axis objects """ figwidth = 7.5 # spans a page with 0.5in margins phasefac = 1.4 ax_rv_height = figwidth * 0.6 ax_phase_height = ax_rv_height / phasefac bin_fac = 1.75 bin_markersize = bin_fac * rcParams['lines.markersize'] bin_markeredgewidth = bin_fac * rcParams['lines.markeredgewidth'] fit_linewidth = 2.0 synthpost = copy.deepcopy(post) model = synthpost.likelihood.model synthparams = post.params.basis.to_synth(post.params) synthpost.params.update(synthparams) rvtimes = synthpost.likelihood.x rverr = synthpost.likelihood.errorbars() num_planets = model.num_planets if nophase: num_planets = 1 periods = [max(rvtimes) - min(rvtimes)] if phase_ncols is None: phase_ncols = 1 if phase_nrows is None: phase_nrows = num_planets ax_phase_height /= phase_ncols e = epoch if len(post.likelihood.x) < 20: nobin = True if saveplot is not None: resolution = 10000 else: resolution = 2000 if not nophase: periods = [] for i in range(num_planets): periods.append(synthparams['per%d' % (i+1)].value) longp = max(periods) dt = max(rvtimes) - min(rvtimes) rvmodt = np.linspace( min(rvtimes) - 0.05 * dt, max(rvtimes) + 0.05 * dt + longp, int(resolution) ) rvmod2 = model(rvmodt) rvmod = model(rvtimes) if ((rvtimes - e) < -2.4e6).any(): plttimes = rvtimes mplttimes = rvmodt elif e == 0: e = 2450000 plttimes = rvtimes - e mplttimes = rvmodt - e else: plttimes = rvtimes - e mplttimes = rvmodt - e rawresid = synthpost.likelihood.residuals() resid = ( rawresid + synthparams['dvdt'].value*(rvtimes-model.time_base) + synthparams['curv'].value*(rvtimes-model.time_base)**2 ) slope = ( synthparams['dvdt'].value * (rvmodt-model.time_base) + synthparams['curv'].value * (rvmodt-model.time_base)**2 ) slope_low = ( synthparams['dvdt'].value * (rvtimes-model.time_base) + synthparams['curv'].value * (rvtimes-model.time_base)**2 ) # Provision figure figheight = ax_rv_height + ax_phase_height * phase_nrows divide = 1 - ax_rv_height / figheight fig = pl.figure(figsize=(figwidth, figheight)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.12, right=0.95) gs_rv = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) gs_rv.update(left=0.12, right=0.93, top=0.93, bottom=divide+rv_phase_space*0.5) gs_phase = gridspec.GridSpec(phase_nrows, phase_ncols) if phase_ncols == 1: gs_phase.update(left=0.12, right=0.93, top=divide - rv_phase_space * 0.5, bottom=0.07, hspace=0.003) else: gs_phase.update(left=0.12, right=0.93, top=divide - rv_phase_space * 0.5, bottom=0.07, hspace=0.25, wspace=0.25) ax_list = [] ax_rv = pl.subplot(gs_rv[0, 0]) pltletter = ord('a') ax = ax_rv ax_list += [ax_rv] # Unphased plot ax.axhline(0, color='0.5', linestyle='--') ax.plot(mplttimes, rvmod2, 'b-', rasterized=False, lw=0.1) def labelfig(letter): text = "{})".format(chr(letter)) add_anchored( text, loc=2, prop=dict(fontweight='bold', size='large'), frameon=False ) labelfig(pltletter) pltletter += 1 _mtelplot( plttimes, rawresid+rvmod, rverr, synthpost.likelihood.telvec, ax, telfmts ) ax.set_xlim(min(plttimes)-0.01*dt, max(plttimes)+0.01*dt) pl.setp(ax_rv.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # Legend if legend: pl.legend(numpoints=1, fontsize='x-small', loc='best') # Years on upper axis axyrs = ax_rv.twiny() # axyrs.set_xlim(min(plttimes)-0.01*dt,max(plttimes)+0.01*dt) xl = np.array(list(ax.get_xlim())) + e decimalyear = Time(xl, format='jd', scale='utc').decimalyear axyrs.plot(decimalyear, decimalyear) axyrs.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) axyrs.set_xlim(*decimalyear) axyrs.set_xlabel('Year', fontweight='bold') # axyrs.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(8)) if not yscale_auto: scale = np.std(rawresid+rvmod) ax.set_ylim(-yscale_sigma * scale, yscale_sigma * scale) ax.set_ylabel('RV [{ms:}]'.format(**latex), weight='bold') ticks = ax.yaxis.get_majorticklocs() ax.yaxis.set_ticks(ticks[1:]) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax_rv) ax_resid = divider.append_axes( "bottom", size="50%", pad=0.0, sharex=ax_rv, sharey=None ) ax = ax_resid ax_list += [ax_resid] # Residuals ax.plot(mplttimes, slope, 'b-', lw=fit_linewidth) labelfig(pltletter) pltletter += 1 _mtelplot(plttimes, resid, rverr, synthpost.likelihood.telvec, ax, telfmts) if not yscale_auto: scale = np.std(resid) ax.set_ylim(-yscale_sigma * scale, yscale_sigma * scale) ax.set_xlim(min(plttimes)-0.01*dt, max(plttimes)+0.01*dt) ticks = ax.yaxis.get_majorticklocs() ax.yaxis.set_ticks([ticks[0], 0.0, ticks[-1]]) pl.xlabel('JD - {:d}'.format(int(np.round(e))), weight='bold') ax.set_ylabel('Residuals', weight='bold') ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5, prune='both')) # Define the locations for the axes axbounds = ax.get_position().bounds bottom = axbounds[1] height = (bottom - 0.15) / num_planets bottom -= height + 0.05 # Phase plots for i in range(num_planets): if nophase: break pnum = i+1 rvmod2 = model(rvmodt, planet_num=pnum) - slope modph = t_to_phase(synthpost.params, rvmodt, pnum, cat=True) - 1 rvdat = rawresid + model(rvtimes, planet_num=pnum) - slope_low phase = t_to_phase(synthpost.params, rvtimes, pnum, cat=True) - 1 rvdatcat = np.concatenate((rvdat, rvdat)) rverrcat = np.concatenate((rverr, rverr)) rvmod2cat = np.concatenate((rvmod2, rvmod2)) bint, bindat, binerr = fastbin(phase+1, rvdatcat, nbins=25) bint -= 1.0 i_row = int(i / phase_ncols) i_col = int(i - i_row * phase_ncols) ax = pl.subplot(gs_phase[i_row, i_col]) ax_list += [ax] ax.axhline(0, color='0.5', linestyle='--', ) ax.plot(sorted(modph), rvmod2cat[np.argsort(modph)], 'b-', linewidth=fit_linewidth) labelfig(pltletter) pltletter += 1 telcat = np.concatenate((synthpost.likelihood.telvec, synthpost.likelihood.telvec)) _mtelplot(phase, rvdatcat, rverrcat, telcat, ax, telfmts) if not nobin and len(rvdat) > 10: ax.errorbar( bint, bindat, yerr=binerr, fmt='ro', mec='w', ms=bin_markersize, mew=bin_markeredgewidth ) pl.xlim(-0.5, 0.5) if not yscale_auto: scale = np.std(rvdatcat) pl.ylim(-yscale_sigma*scale, yscale_sigma*scale) keys = [p+str(pnum) for p in ['per', 'k', 'e']] labels = [synthpost.params.tex_labels().get(k, k) for k in keys] if i < num_planets-1: ticks = ax.yaxis.get_majorticklocs() ax.yaxis.set_ticks(ticks[1:-1]) pl.ylabel('RV [{ms:}]'.format(**latex), weight='bold') pl.xlabel('Phase', weight='bold') print_params = ['per', 'k', 'e'] units = {'per': 'days', 'k': latex['ms'], 'e': ''} anotext = [] for l, p in enumerate(print_params): val = synthparams["%s%d" % (print_params[l], pnum)].value if uparams is None: _anotext = '$\\mathregular{%s}$ = %4.2f %s' % (labels[l].replace("$", ""), val, units[p]) else: if hasattr(post, 'medparams'): val = post.medparams["%s%d" % (print_params[l], pnum)] else: print("WARNING: medparams attribute not found in " + "posterior object will annotate with " + "max-likelihood values and reported uncertainties " + "may not be appropriate.") err = uparams["%s%d" % (print_params[l], pnum)] if err > 0: val, err, errlow = radvel.utils.sigfig(val, err) _anotext = '$\\mathregular{%s}$ = %s $\\mathregular{\\pm}$ %s %s' \ % (labels[l].replace("$", ""), val, err, units[p]) else: _anotext = '$\\mathregular{%s}$ = %4.2f %s' % (labels[l].replace("$", ""), val, units[p]) anotext += [_anotext] anotext = '\n'.join(anotext) add_anchored( anotext, loc=1, frameon=True, prop=dict(size='large', weight='bold'), bbox=dict(ec='none', fc='w', alpha=0.8) ) if saveplot is not None: pl.savefig(saveplot, dpi=150) print("RV multi-panel plot saved to %s" % saveplot) return fig, ax_list
[docs]def corner_plot(post, chains, saveplot=None): """ Make a corner plot from the output MCMC chains and a posterior object. Args: post (radvel.Posterior): Radvel posterior object chains (DataFrame): MCMC chains output by radvel.mcmc saveplot (str, optional): Name of output file, will show as interactive matplotlib window if not defined. Returns: None """ labels = [k for k in post.params.keys() if post.params[k].vary] texlabels = [post.params.tex_labels().get(l, l) for l in labels] f = rcParams['font.size'] rcParams['font.size'] = 12 _ = corner.corner( chains[labels], labels=texlabels, label_kwargs={"fontsize": 14}, plot_datapoints=False, bins=30, quantiles=[0.16, 0.5, 0.84], show_titles=True, title_kwargs={"fontsize": 14}, smooth=True ) if saveplot is not None: pl.savefig(saveplot, dpi=150) print("Corner plot saved to %s" % saveplot) else: rcParams['font.size'] = f
def texlabel(key, letter): if key.count('mpsini') == 1: return '$M_' + letter + '\\sin i$' if key.count('rhop') == 1: return '$\\rho_' + letter + '$'
[docs]def corner_plot_derived_pars(chains, planet, saveplot=None): """ Make a corner plot from the output MCMC chains and a posterior object. Args: chains (DataFrame): MCMC chains output by radvel.mcmc planet (Planet object): Planet configuration object saveplot (Optional[string]: Name of output file, will show as interactive matplotlib window if not defined. Returns: None """ if 'planet_letters' in dir(planet): planet_letters = planet.planet_letters else: planet_letters = {1: 'b', 2: 'c', 3: 'd', 4: 'e', 5: 'f', 6: 'g', 7: 'h', 8: 'i', 9: 'j', 10: 'k'} # Determine which columns to include in corner plot labels = [] texlabels = [] for i in np.arange(1, planet.nplanets + 1, 1): letter = planet_letters[i] for key in 'mpsini rhop'.split(): label = '{}{}'.format(key, i) is_column = list(chains.columns).count(label) == 1 if not is_column: break null_column = chains.isnull().any().loc[label] if null_column: break tl = texlabel(label, letter) # add units to label if key == 'mpsini': unit = "M$_{\oplus}$" if np.median(chains[label]) > 100: unit = "M$_{\\rm Jup}$" chains[label] *= 0.00315 if np.median(chains[label]) > 100: unit = "M$_{\odot}$" chains[label] *= 0.000954265748 tl += " (%s)" % unit else: tl += " (g cm$^{-3}$)" labels.append(label) texlabels.append(tl) f = rcParams['font.size'] rcParams['font.size'] = 12 _ = corner.corner( chains[labels], labels=texlabels, label_kwargs={"fontsize": 14}, plot_datapoints=False, bins=30, quantiles=[0.16, 0.50, 0.84], show_titles=True, title_kwargs={"fontsize": 14}, smooth=True ) if saveplot is not None: pl.savefig(saveplot, dpi=150) print("Corner plot saved to %s" % saveplot) else: rcParams['font.size'] = f
[docs]def trend_plot(post, chains, nwalkers, outfile=None): """MCMC trend plot Make a trend plot to show the evolution of the MCMC as a function of step number. Args: post (radvel.Posterior): Radvel Posterior object chains (DataFrame): MCMC chains output by radvel.mcmc nwalkers (int): number of walkers used in this particular MCMC run outfile (string): name of output multi-page PDF file Returns: None """ labels = sorted([k for k in post.params.keys() if post.params[k].vary]) texlabels = [post.params.tex_labels().get(l, l) for l in labels] colors = [cmap(x) for x in np.linspace(0.05, 0.95, nwalkers)] with PdfPages(outfile) as pdf: for param, tex in zip(labels, texlabels): flatchain = chains[param].values wchain = flatchain.reshape((nwalkers, -1)) _ = pl.figure(figsize=(18, 10)) for w in range(nwalkers): pl.plot( wchain[w, :], '.', rasterized=True, color=colors[w], markersize=3 ) pl.xlim(0, wchain.shape[1]) pl.xlabel('Step Number') pl.ylabel(tex) ax = pl.gca() ax.set_rasterized(True) pdf.savefig() pl.close()
[docs]def correlation_plot(post, outfile=None): """Correlation plot Plot parameter correlations. Args: post (radvel.Posterior): Radvel Posterior object outfile (string): name of output multi-page PDF file Returns: None """ pltind = 1 pl.subplot(431) pl.subplots_adjust(top=0.97, left=0.07, right=0.95, bottom=0.10, hspace=0.22, wspace=0.22) for like in post.likelihood.like_list: resid = like.residuals() for parname in like.decorr_params: var = parname.split('_')[1] pars = [] for par in like.decorr_params: if var in par: pars.append(like.params[par]) pars.append(0.0) if np.isfinite(like.decorr_vectors[var]).all(): vec = like.decorr_vectors[var] vec -= np.mean(vec) p = np.poly1d(pars) print(var, pars) pl.subplot('33%d' % pltind) pl.plot(vec, p(vec), 'b-', lw=3) pl.plot(vec, resid + p(vec), 'ko') pl.xlabel("$\Delta$ %s" % '_'.join(parname.split('_')[1:])) pl.ylabel('RV [m s$^{-1}$]') pltind += 1 if outfile is None: else: pl.savefig(outfile)
[docs]def add_anchored(*args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- s : string Text. loc : str Location code. pad : float, optional Pad between the text and the frame as fraction of the font size. borderpad : float, optional Pad between the frame and the axes (or *bbox_to_anchor*). prop : `matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties` Font properties. """ bbox = {} if 'bbox' in kwargs: bbox = kwargs.pop('bbox') at = AnchoredText(*args, **kwargs) if len(bbox.keys()) > 0: pl.setp(at.patch, **bbox) ax = pl.gca() ax.add_artist(at)