Source code for radvel.prior

import numpy as np

from radvel import model
from radvel import orbit
from radvel import utils

class Prior(object):
    def __repr__(self):
        return "Generic Prior"

[docs]class Gaussian(Prior): """Gaussian prior Guassian prior on a given parameter. Args: param (string): parameter label mu (float): center of Gaussian prior sigma (float): width of Gaussian prior """ def __init__(self, param, mu, sigma): = mu self.sigma = sigma self.param = param def __call__(self, params): x = params[self.param].value return -0.5 * ((x - / self.sigma)**2 def __repr__(self): s = "Gaussian prior on {}, mu={}, sigma={}".format( self.param, self. mu, self.sigma ) return s def __str__(self): try: tex = model.Parameters(9).tex_labels(param_list=[self.param])[self.param] s = "Gaussian prior on {}: ${} \\pm {}$ \\\\".format(tex, self. mu, self.sigma) except KeyError: s = self.__repr__() return s
[docs]class EccentricityPrior(Prior): """Physical eccentricities Prior to keep eccentricity between 0 and a specified upper limit. Args: num_planets (int or list): Planets to apply the eccentricity prior. If an integer is given then all planets with indexes up to and including the specified integer will be included in the prior. If a list is given then the prior will only be applied to the specified planets. upperlims (float or list of floats): List of eccentricity upper limits to assign to each of the planets. If a float is given then all planets must have eccentricities less then this value. If a list of floats is given then each planet can have a different eccentricity upper limit. """ def __repr__(self): msg = "" for i, num_planet in enumerate(self.planet_list): msg += "e{} constrained to be < {}\n".format(num_planet, self.upperlims[i]) return msg[:-1] def __str__(self): tex = model.Parameters(9, basis='per tc e w k').tex_labels() msg = "" for i, num_planet in enumerate(self.planet_list): par = "e{}".format(num_planet) label = tex[par] msg += "{} constrained to be $<{}$ \\\\\\\\\n".format(label, self.upperlims[i]) return msg[:-5] def __init__(self, num_planets, upperlims=0.99): if type(num_planets) == int: self.planet_list = range(1, num_planets+1) npl = len(self.planet_list) else: self.planet_list = num_planets npl = num_planets if type(upperlims) == float: self.upperlims = [upperlims] * npl else: assert len(upperlims) == len(self.planet_list), "Number of eccentricity \ upper limits must match number of planets." self.upperlims = upperlims def __call__(self, params): def _getpar(key, num_planet): return params['{}{}'.format(key, num_planet)].value parnames = for i, num_planet in enumerate(self.planet_list): if 'e' in parnames: ecc = _getpar('e', num_planet) elif 'secosw' in parnames: secosw = _getpar('secosw', num_planet) sesinw = _getpar('sesinw', num_planet) ecc = secosw**2 + sesinw**2 elif 'ecosw' in parnames: ecosw = _getpar('ecosw', num_planet) esinw = _getpar('esinw', num_planet) ecc = np.sqrt(ecosw**2 + esinw**2) if ecc > self.upperlims[i] or ecc < 0.0: return -np.inf return 0
[docs]class PositiveKPrior(Prior): """K must be positive A prior to prevent K going negative. Be careful with this as it can introduce a bias to larger K values. Args: num_planets (int): Number of planets. Used to ensure K for each planet is positive """ def __repr__(self): return "K constrained to be > 0" def __str__(self): return "$K$ constrained to be $>0$" def __init__(self, num_planets): self.num_planets = num_planets def __call__(self, params): def _getpar(key, num_planet): return params['{}{}'.format(key, num_planet)].value for num_planet in range(1, self.num_planets+1): try: k = _getpar('k', num_planet) except KeyError: k = np.exp(_getpar('logk', num_planet)) if k < 0.0: return -np.inf return 0
[docs]class HardBounds(Prior): """Prior for hard boundaries This prior allows for hard boundaries to be established for a given parameter. Args: param (string): parameter label minval (float): minimum allowed value maxval (float): maximum allowed value """ def __init__(self, param, minval, maxval): self.minval = minval self.maxval = maxval self.param = param def __call__(self, params): x = params[self.param].value if x < self.minval or x > self.maxval: return -np.inf else: return 0.0 def __repr__(self): s = "Bounded prior on {}, min={}, max={}".format( self.param, self.minval, self.maxval ) return s def __str__(self): try: tex = model.Parameters(9).tex_labels(param_list=[self.param])[self.param] s = "Bounded prior: ${} < {} < {}$".format(self.minval, tex.replace('$', ''), self.maxval) except KeyError: s = self.__repr__() return s
[docs]class SecondaryEclipsePrior(Prior): """Secondary eclipse prior Implied prior on eccentricity and omega by specifying measured secondary eclipse time Args: planet_num (int): Number of planet with measured secondary eclipse ts (float): Secondary eclipse midpoint time. Should be in the same units as the timestamps of your data. ts_err (float): Uncertainty on secondary eclipse time """ def __repr__(self): msg = "" msg += "secondary eclipse constraint: {} +/- {}\n".format(self.ts, self.ts_err) return msg[:-1] def __str__(self): msg = "secondary eclipse prior: ${} \pm {}$ \\\\\\\\\n".format(self.ts, self.ts_err) return msg[:-5] def __init__(self, planet_num, ts, ts_err): self.planet_num = planet_num self.ts = ts self.ts_err = ts_err def __call__(self, params): def _getpar(key): return synth_params['{}{}'.format(key, self.planet_num)].value synth_params = params.basis.to_synth(params) tp = _getpar('tp') per = _getpar('per') ecc = _getpar('e') omega = _getpar('w') ts = orbit.timeperi_to_timetrans(tp, per, ecc, omega, secondary=True) ts_phase = utils.t_to_phase(synth_params, ts, self.planet_num) pts = utils.t_to_phase(synth_params, self.ts, self.planet_num) epts = self.ts_err / per penalty = -0.5 * ((ts_phase - pts) / epts)**2 return penalty