Orbital Parameter Basis Sets

class radvel.basis.Basis(*args)[source]

Object that knows how to convert between the various Keplerian bases

  • name (str) – basis name
  • num_planets (int) – number of planets

str – name of synth basis


Valid basis functions:

‘per tp e w k’ (The synthesis basis)

‘per tc secosw sesinw logk’

‘per tc secosw sesinw k’

‘per tc ecosw esinw k’

‘per tc e w k’

‘logper tc secosw sesinw k’

‘logper tc secosw sesinw logk’

from_synth(params_in, newbasis, **kwargs)[source]

Convert from synth basis into another basis

Convert instance of Parameters with parameters of a given basis into the synth basis

  • params_in (radvel.Parameters or pandas.DataFrame) – radvel.Parameters object or pandas.Dataframe containing orbital parameters expressed in current basis
  • newbasis (string) – string corresponding to basis to switch into
  • keep (Optional[bool]) – keep the parameters expressed in the old basis, else remove them from the output dictionary/DataFrame

dict or dataframe with the parameters converted into the new basis

to_any_basis(params_in, newbasis)[source]

Convenience function for converting Parameters object to an arbitraty basis

  • params_in (radvel.Parameters) – radvel.Parameters object expressed in current basis
  • newbasis (string) – string corresponding to basis to switch into

radvel.Parameters object expressed in the new basis

to_synth(params_in, **kwargs)[source]

Convert to synth basis

Convert Parameters object with parameters of a given basis into the synth basis

  • params_in (radvel.Parameters or pandas.DataFrame) – radvel.Parameters object or pandas.Dataframe containing orbital parameters expressed in current basis
  • noVary (Optional[bool]) – if True, set the ‘vary’ attribute of the returned Parameter objects to ‘’ (used for displaying best fit parameters)

parameters expressed in the synth basis

Return type:

Parameters or DataFrame